➺Chapter Thirty-One

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Things are getting heated! With a trial coming up and poor baby Zayden's issues, what will Aaida do? Some Zaeem!/Aaida loving in this chapter! It's been too long since they had a decent scene. I missed the sugar!

Chapter Thirty-One


It took Aaida a while to calm herself down enough to notice that Zayden had stuffed his fist in his mouth and was looking at her forlornly. She was quick to offer him his meal and her heart soothed to know that at least her child was back in her arms. Lord Usman had hurt him. But he would never face him again. And Aaida would help her son find his voice. She was determined to do so.

Zayden fell asleep after he had drank his fill. Aaida, unable to part with him, took him with her to the study where she had kept her husband and Azrael waiting for a good half an hour. When she arrived, the two men were sipping tea by the window. For once they weren't at each other's necks.

"Finally," Azrael huffed when he saw her. Zaeem stood up to take Zayden. Aaida felt a certain longing in her heart but she also knew that Zaeem had missed out two months of their child's life as well. They couldn't fight over their baby at this crucial point. He was a part of them both.

"What do you need to discuss with me?" Aaida asked as she poured herself some tea in Zaeem's cup. She stirred in a sugar cube before taking a sip.

"Lord Usman is currently in jail," Azrael began testily. He ran his forefinger over the rim of his cup. "We have to press charges soon."

Zaeem knew this discussion would grow heated. Aaida's nerves were already on end because of Zayden and she didn't need a constant reminder of her life before. She was trying to move on from those torturous months and Azrael was dragging her back to them continuously. Aaida was a patient one though. If Zaeem had been in her place, he would've put a restraining order on the King.

"I'm going to take Zayden back to our room," Zaeem informed Aaida. He leaned forward to press a kiss to her forehead, noting with pleasure the scowl on Azrael's face, before exiting the study. He trusted Aaida enough to know nothing would happen behind closed doors.

"What charges do you have against Lord Usman?" Aaida asked.

"Plenty. But none of them are good enough. Which is why I'm here." Azrael didn't beat around the bush. "I need you to be the one to press charges."


"Because Lord Usman has nothing on you. If you take him to court on charges of kidnapping you and your son, both Al-Makki heirs, there's no chance he'd win. Did Zayden suffer from any form of abuse?"

Aaida nodded stiffly. "He did."

Azrael was satisfied by that tidbit. "If you summed everything up, including the torture you went through yourself, the verdict would be in your favor."

"I don't want him behind bars only," Aaida said, her mind flashing to her son's frightened expression when Dr. Iqbal had dropped him in her arms. He had done that to her precious baby. Hatred coursed through her veins. She would've willingly gone through any form of torture if they'd left her child alone. But not now. Lord Usman and Mustafa would pay for laying a hand on Zayden.

"You take him to court. The judge will deliver a life sentence for offenses against an Al-Makki. The public will be enraged. At that time, I will use their sentiments against Lord Usman. He won't have a voice anymore. I'll expose his other crimes and the country will demand an execution." Azrael's eyes sparkled with vengeance. "However, for all of that to happen, I need you to step up and take your place as the rightful Al-Makki heir."

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