➺Chapter Thirty

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A/N: Look at that gorgeous cover kneeli made me! Isn't it lovely? I think it is! Remember, fan art and covers are always welcome! And look who has an extra long chapter for you beauties? Enjoy!

➺Chapter Thirty

Aaida felt relief fill her heart as she saw Zaeem and Liam standing near Azrael. Zaeem hurried to help her up, shoving Mustafa off of her. Aaida wanted to thank him when her gaze caught something. She spotted another figure, stealthily making his way towards them.

Her eyes widened. "Zaeem, Liam, behind you!"

Azrael was the first to spin on his heels, giving Mustafa the perfect distraction to pull out his own gun from his belt. A stupid mistake on behalf of the King. Losing them the advantage. Lord Usman stepped out of the shadows, a wicked smile on his face and a shiny blade in his hand.

"Why wasn't I invited to this little VIP party?"

"Nice of you to join us," Azrael said, just as casually. "Now do us all a favor and give us the Al-Makki heir. Afterwards, you can fling yourself off the top of this building."

"You've always been quite the amusing one, Azrael. More so than your father. And he kept me entertained for many years. I'd hoped I could keep you around for longer but it seems you're hell-bent on joining him."

"Cut the taunts," Zaeem clenched his jaw in annoyance. "I want my son back. I don't care what twisted history you have between yourselves and I don't want any part of it."

"You're not getting a part," Lord Usman glanced at Aaida. "Your little wife is. Isn't this grand? I have an Al-Makki and a Dragos in my poor, humble home."

"Ever the modest one," Azrael rolled his eyes.

Usman glared at him. "I knew you'd turn on me, you little bastard. After all I went through to keep your dirty secrets."

Azrael knew he'd slipped up by taking Zaeem's side so soon. If things grew worse, and he had a feeling they would, and Lord Usman gained the upper hand, he would be at risk of losing his title. "I couldn't bow to you forever," he responded. He looked at the dark hallway behind Usman as if willing for someone to come and distract him. If Usman was given enough time, he would drown Azrael along with him.

"You haven't learned your place then," Usman replied. "Mustafa," his attention went towards his son. "Don't you think they should all have a glimpse at the purest child born in centuries? Bring little Gryphon here."

Aaida felt ice crawl over her heart. Gryphon? Had he really given such a hideous name to her precious child?

Lord Usman seemed to sense her distaste. He smirked at her. "You know why I named him that, Lady Aaida? A gryphon is a hybrid between the lion and the eagle- two powerful predatory animals. One is the King of the Jungle and the other, the King of the Skies. Similarly, my grandson is born from the two mightiest lines of Lady Aimen. Although," he scowled at Zaeem. "He's a tainted version of the Dragos-Ibrahim."

"Father, isn't it-" Mustafa began to say but was cut off by Lord Usman's harsh gaze.

"Do as a say!" Usman barked. "And give me that gun of yours. A knife won't do much good with all these bullets itching to rip through me." He let out a maniacal laughter that raked shivers down Aaida's spine. This man was insane.

Mustafa lowered his head in obedience. "Yes, Father." He did as he was told and after handing the weapon over, hurried off into the darkness of the hallway.

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