Chapter Three- Hershey

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January 15, 2016

"I really wish you guys would stop treating me like I'm some weakling. I have cancer, I'm not on my death bed!" I grumble, crossing my arms over my chest.

Samuel had just gotten in the back seat, after sharing a few words with Matthew. I don't enjoy being told what to do. I am a grown woman, capable of making my own decisions. And I wanted to talk to Matt.

"You practically are." Sam mutters under his breath, but I managed to hear him.

"What did you say?" I turn in the passenger seat to look at him.

Samuel shoots me a glare, his brown eyes looking significantly darker. "I said, what are you doing with the likes of Matthew Peters?" His tone is disapproving and I feel as if I am being scolded by my parents.

"I was just talking to him, Sam."

"You know he was just talking to you to get to me. He's not really interested." I squint at him, not able to ignore the pain in my chest.

"You saying a man like him can't be interested in a girl like me?" I mutter. I knew that wasn't what Samuel meant, but I still feel as if he isn't giving me enough credit. "It's not all about you, Sam. I met Matt earlier this morning."

"You need to stay away from him, Lyla." I roll my eyes and return to facing the front of the car.

Bianca sits, silent in the drivers seat. We still haven't left the parking lot, which is smart. I am so close to jumping back and strangling Samuel. I am sick of him treating me like a child.

"You don't have any say in what I can and can't do, Samuel. You're my best friend. But I am a grown woman. If I want to see Matt Peters, then I will see Matt Peters. End of discussion."


"Enough, Sam. Lyla has made up her mind and it's done. Leave it be." Bianca finally speaks up and I give her a small smile in gratitude.

I don't want to strain my relationship with Samuel over something so trivial.

Samuel grumbles something in the backseat, however Bianca and I both fail to hear. I am sure he is pouting.


"Good job, Jessica. Now, reach forward with your hands and when you're ready, ask for a canter."

I walk around the inside of the arena, following Jessica with my eyes and body. I softly kick at the sand, letting out a sigh. This is my last week. It is Monday and I've already told one girl that I will be taking a leave of absence. She cried and in result, I followed suit.

These young women that I train have become such a big part of my life. They are practically younger sisters, people that I care for and wish to help in any way possible. Knowing that I might never come back to them, it scares me and breaks my heart.

Jessica transitions into a beautiful canter and I watch as Harvey carries her around the arena a few times. The canter breaks once, but I encourage Jessica to pick it up again. After having her fall back into a walk, I tell her to cool off. Walking forward, I move so I am beside her, reaching forward to pat Harvey's neck. I walk beside them, my head bowed as I fail to look up at her as I deliver the bad news.

"So, I have to tell you something, Jess." I whisper, clearing my throat as tears seem to close it off.

Jessica is only thirteen years old. She has a sweet heart and a beautiful smile. I hate to damper on her day, especially after such an amazing lesson. I hope she will continue to flourish with whomever takes over while I am gone.

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