Chapter Ten- Bed, Gym, Hospital

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[Bed, Gym, Hospital]


January 26, 2016

After watching cartoons all day and Lyla slipping in and out of consciousness before me, I finally fell asleep beside her.

Only when I awoke the next morning, did I grumble with anger. I hadn't meant to fall asleep with her. I had every attention of taking the couch, it was only the proper, gentlemanly thing to do in this situation. 

Standing up, dressed in only my black sweatpants, I gaze down at the beautiful woman sleeping in my bed. It is nearly six in the morning, so I assume she will be sleeping for a couple more hours. 

As of now, I need a cigarette. I have been avoiding them when I am around her, but every morning, it is paramount I have one. Just as it is that I need to punch a bag a few dozen times. Sparing her one last look, I grab the pack on my night stand along with the lighter and swiftly exit the room. 

Jogging down the steps, I see Talia in the kitchen, making a protein shake. She looks up at me, her eyes lingering longer than necessary, however I don't make a comment. "Morning." I whisper, putting the cigarette to my lips. I quickly light it and take in a well needed drag. 

Talia watches as I do so, before she takes a long drink of her shake. "How'd you sleep?" Her eyes judge me as she asks the simple question. She knows I slept with Lyla and she isn't happy about it. 

"Great. You?" I ask, taking another puff. Talia shrugs her shoulders before she turns and mumbles something under her breath. I can barely hear her, however I catch, "if you were with me". I sigh and go to confront her, tell her that it will never happen, when Donovan enters the kitchen and cuts me off.

"Good morning, my beautiful friends." His voice is heavy with sleep as he yawns and scratches the back of his neck. He is dressed similar to me, however minus the sweatpants. Why can't Talia look at Donovan the way she looks at me? I mean, he's only wear black boxer briefs... Girls usually faint at the sight of him in such attire. 

"Morning." Talia and I say in unison. 

"How's our sick girl?" Donovan asks, pulling out a carton of eggs. I grimace at the word 'our'. She is not his in any way, other than a friend. 

I only told the three of them that Lyla was sick and I was to meet her at the hospital. I wasn't sure how much she wanted them to know, so I decided she could tell them at her own time, if she so wishes. 

Talia scoffs and turns around, to give us her back as she downs her shake. "She's tired. The... medication makes her drowsy." I almost said chemo, but was able to catch myself. 

I take another drag of nicotine as I watch Donovan scramble his eggs, a subtle frown on his features. "But she'll be okay right? This medicine will make her healthy again?" 

He has no idea how much I want that to be true. I hope and pray with everything in me, that Lyla will make it out of this completely cured and cancer free. But there is always the risk and possibility that the cancer will win. 

I grit my teeth at the thought of losing her. I can't bare it. I hardly know Lyla, and yet I feel as if I will suffocate without her. Damn, she even had me drive yesterday. It has been ten years since I have driven and I didn't hesitate to get behind the wheel for her. I didn't think twice about my insecurities, until I thought about the distance to her house. It was only a couple more minutes away from my own, but I began to panic and had to make the decision of driving her here.

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