Chapter Thirteen- A Hershey and Kahlua

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[A Hershey and Kahlua]


February 14, 2016

It itches. My Lord, does it itch. It is bringing me onto the brink of tears, it hurts so much. I had the burning desire, the ache to scratch the inside of my nose. But I know, if I do this, it will only cause the nose to bleed again.

Another lovely side effect of Leukemia. Nose bleeds, or any excessive bleeding, is common with Leukemia patients. I just thought, since I hadn't gotten any bleeds since I started chemo, that perhaps I wouldn't be a victim. 

But, of course, we can't always get what we want.

I am finally able to go home. The nurse has prescribed medication to help with the pain in my nose and specifically told me not to touch the inside. She even said the same to Matthew and Bianca. My parents were not able to make it, for they are in the middle of packing up and moving their belongings back to Naperville. Bianca told them not to worry, that everything was alright. 

Sam was in a middle of a fight when I began bleeding and by the time he was able to check is phone, I was already done with the cauterization. I told him to just wait for me at home. 

Finally dressed in my clothes and ready to leave, Matthew leads me out of the hospital and towards Bianca's Corolla. Bianca has already brought the car around front. Matthew opens the passenger side door to toss my overnight bag onto the seat. He then opens the back door and slides in, helping ease me in afterwards. Bianca drives us back to our townhouse, with Matthew holding tight to me. 

His lips remain firmly placed on my head, kissing me every few seconds. His thumb rubs back and forth on my arm, acting as a comfort. A comfort for him, I am assuming. 

He has to have contact.

It breaks my heart, knowing that something happened to him when he was younger to make him so paranoid now. 

When we get to my house, Bianca and Matthew help get me inside, where Sam is waiting anxiously. Upon seeing me, he rushes over and whisks me out of Matthew's grasp. "Oh my God. I thought-" Sam cuts off, pulling back to look at me with red, watery eyes. 

"Don't use the Lord's name in vain." I mumble, giving him a small smile. Sam chuckles, rolling his eyes. For as long as we've known each other, I have been reprimanding him to not use God's name to irrationally. Bianca has joined in recently as well, when she started going to church and devoted her life to Christ. 

The small reminisce seems to have lifted the mood, allowing Sam to release me. I walk towards the couch, plopping down and letting out a sigh as I lay down, clutching one of the pillows to my chest. "I've missed you." I whisper into the soft leather of our brown couch. 

I hear Bianca laugh but I pay no attention as I seek out Matthew with tired eyes. I know it is hard for him to be in the same room as Sam. Matthew is standing behind Bianca, watching with a careful expression. I hold out my hand to him, silently asking him to come to me. He doesn't hesitate, grasping my hand as he squats down on his haunches. Matthew smiles as he brushes hair behind my ear.

"You need to open your present." I say, smiling back at him. I look at Bianca, nodding my head. She spins on her heels and jogs up to my room to grab the present I got Matthew for Valentine's Day.

Matthew clears his throat and leans forward to kiss my forehead. "You didn't have to get me anything." I shrug my shoulders as best I can while laying down. 

Bianca returns with a blue and green wrapped box. It's large, making it hard for her to carry it down the stairs. But she finally manages to place it in front of Matthew and leaves the room with Sam. Matt gently releases my hand as he begins to unwrap it, giving me a skeptical look as he does so. 

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