Chapter Sixteen- I Promise

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[I Promise]


March 11, 2016

"When is fighting season over?" Lyla's soft voice asks from behind me. I look over my shoulder to see her curled up on my bed, hugging my pillow to her chest. Her beautiful blue eyes are wide, staring up at me as I tie the laces to my running shoes. 

I turn, rolling onto the bed to place a soft kiss to her lips. "Two more fights until the final round. Where I am sure to fight Sam." Lyla flinches noticeably, closing her eyes as she takes a deep breath. I try to dismiss the small morsel of jealousy, knowing that her feelings for him do not go beyond friendship.

"Please, just be careful." She whispers, opening her eyes to meet mine in a penetrating stare. I can see the fear within them and I have begun to hate leaving her like this. But I refuse to let her see me fight. The pits are dangerous, people are rowdy and if she gets pushed the wrong way, it could be catastrophic for her. 

I brush my thumb over her smooth cheer admirably, smiling softly. "I will return to you, Lyla. Just as I always do." I lean down and give her one more kiss before I stand up and don on a sweatshirt. I am going to run to the fight, as a simple warm up. "You'll be here when I get back? Or should I meet you at yours?" I ask. It has grown customary that I see Lyla after every fight, no matter the time or the place. I had to see her, to make sure that she was alright... To still her heavily beating heart with reassurance that I am alright. 

"I'll be here, waiting for you." I silently groan, loving her response. I want Lyla to be home, waiting for me every day. I want her to walk around with a pregnant belly, barefoot in my kitchen. I want her to wear a diamond ring on her finger, claiming she is mine. 

Lyla closes her eyes and I know she is fast asleep. With a gentle kiss to the top of her head, I exit the room and head down stairs to see Talia and Donovan.

Lyla managed to convince me not to kick Talia out, explaining that I would regret doing so later on. 

Talia is surprisingly wearing appropriate clothing, chatting with Donovan about her last fight. Donovan seems thoroughly interested, until he notices me and the conversation is cut off. "How's our girl?" Donovan asks.

Talia leans against the counter, giving Donovan a look before she masks it and looks seemingly interested in my answer.

I ignore Donovan's choice of words. "Lyla is fine. She's resting. Donovan, she is not allowed to see me fight. Do we understand?" I look Donovan in the eye, daring him to defy me. He decided that he was going to stay with Lyla, look after her while I fought. I am glad they have formed a friendship, and that he cares deeply for her as well. I trust Donovan to take care of her. 

"Sure thing, boss." I roll my eyes and look at Talia.

"I'll see you there." Talia nods her head but doesn't respond. It seems she has grown rather quiet around me. And it's a shame; I miss our old friendship.

Without another word, I place my headphones in my ear and exit the house with a fluent jog, that I keep pace of for the next twenty minutes.


Austin wraps my hands, telling me the tactics of the man I'm fighting. He's called 'Rabbit' because he's quick and lean, easily avoids punches until his opponent seems to tire and goes for the rib shot. 

I plan my fighting technique in my head silently, listening to Austin as he continues on. Once my hands are wrapped, I stand and flex my arms and shoulders, rotating and swinging them. I wasn't concerned with fighting this opponent, I am easily capable of taking him down. I am more concerned about the fact that when I defeat him, I am one step closer to facing Samuel. 

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