Chapter Eleven- Battle Won

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[Battle Won]


February 12, 2016

When I enter the Cancer Care unit of Edwards Hospital, I immediately see Bianca and Sam sitting in waiting chairs, beside an older couple. I assume they are Lyla's parents. I had hoped we wouldn't meet this way. 

I briskly walk towards them, my eyes only on Bianca. "Where is she? How is she?" I ask, my eyes wide. I can feel my heart trying to beat out of my chest, I just sprinted here from the gym. The adrenaline coursing through my body is making me anxious, making my palms sweat and my hair stand on end. 

"She's stable-"

"Get out of here." Bianca is cut off by Samuel. I pay him no attention, instead my eyes remain on his twin sister, begging her to continue.

"She fainted in the bathroom. Hit the back of her head on the tub. They said she might have a concussion; we haven't heard back." 

I bring a fist to my mouth, biting down on a knuckle as tears well in my eyes. I am supposed to be taking care of her, protecting her. And now, she is in the hospital; not because they are giving her chemo to save her life. Now she has another problem on our hands, making the possibility of losing her so much more probable.

Turning away from Bianca, I begin to pace the length of the hallways, my hands clammy. All I want, all I need is to see her. To have the confirmation that she is alive. That she's not leaving me.

I hear the older woman sniffle and I peek out of the corner of my eye to see the man comforting his crying wife. 

"Can we see her?" I ask aloud. 

"No. They're doing a few more tests. They need to see the extent of the damage done to the brain." Bianca answers. 

I growl and turn on my heels to storm out of the building. 

I need a cigarette.

Lighting the cancer stick, I take in a large draw and exhale slowly. 

Why does this have to happen to her?

I sense Sam's presence, before I hear him. "Do you love her?" I don't make any movement to imply I heard his question. I just stare out at the large parking lot as I take another puff. 

"You know it's not possible." I mumble. 

Sam sides up next to me and I see him pull out a cigarette as well. He gives me a look and with the roll of my eyes, I light his cigarette. He hasn't smoked in years. Apparently stress brings out old, bad habits. 

"I just didn't think you would cry for anyone ever again... Not after your parents." Sam leans against a pillar that holds up the overhang above the path to the building. 

"She's special, man. I can't lose her." 

"And you can't love her." Sam mutters. I finally turn to look at him, noticing a large bruise on his right cheek. Sam takes another smoke before feeling my eyes on him and turns to face me. "You're no good for her."

"I know." 

I have always known I was no good for her. But I can't let her go. I'm a selfish man. I don't care about the outcome of it all. I don't care that I might break her heart, or she might break mine. All I care about is see that smile on her face for as long as I can. Because when she smiles, I am happy. 

And I haven't been happy since before my parents death.

"Man. I remember thinking Daniel Winchester was a bad match for Bianca. They don't even come close to how mismatched you and Lyla are." Sam says. 

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