Chapter Twenty- Something to Say

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[Something to Say]


May 23, 2016

Talia wraps her arms around my waist, giving me a bone crushing hug. I envelope her in my arms, kissing the top of her head. I hear her sigh happily against my chest, causing a small smile to form on my lips. 

Life is nearly perfect now.

Talia pulls back, giving me a wide grin before she spins on her heels and sprints toward Xavier, jumping on his back. I roll my eyes as Xavier chuckles, easily holding her weight. 

Donovan loops an arm around my shoulders, letting out a dramatic sigh. "It's hard to see her go..." He whispers, shaking his head. 

I look over at him, arching an eyebrow. 

Within the last two months, Talia has found herself Xavier. He owns his own coffee shop, is very humble and is able to put up with Talia. He has treated her nicely the last few months and he recently asked her to move in with him. 

Which brings us to the present, where I am finally able, with good conscience, to let Talia out from under my wing. It is hard to see her go. I have spent so much time and energy, ensuring that she is safe and provided for. Now, I am letting her go, allowing someone else to take care of her. 

Lyla has been distant as of late. She still owns my heart, she always will, but not being able to see her is frustrating. She has kept me at arms length, since the Sam incident. 

I don't blame her; how could I? I betrayed her trust, and I have to work hard to earn it back. 

Lyla is, again, done with Chemo and I am confident that she will not relapse this time. She is looking strong and healthy, despite having had cancer. 

I let out a sigh and pull out my phone to send her a message.

Talia is out of the house now... Would you and Bee want to join Donovan and I for pizza and a movie? I miss you... Please come. Love you always.

After Talia and Xavier drive off, Donovan turns and casually walks back into the house. I wait until the car is out of sight until I follow after him. 

"How are you and Bee?" I ask Donovan who sits at the breakfast bar. I begin to pull out bread, peanut butter and jelly. 

Donovan began seeing Bianca about a month ago, after he spent some time with her at the hospital while Lyla was in chemo. They talked, went on a date and now seem to be hitting it off. 

"Fine. I am taking her to dinner tomorrow night. Perhaps you can see Lyla, since she will be alone." 

I silently thank Donovan for his effort of salvaging my relationship with Lyla, it means the world to me. After toasting the bread, I spread peanut butter and jelly on them before pressing the two slices together to make a sandwich. I slide the plate over to Donovan and then proceed to make another for myself. 

Once I am finished, I lean against the counter and eat my sandwich, trying to contain my moans of delight. Since I am finished with fighting, it's almost as if a new world of food choices have opened up to me. I haven't had a PP&J since before my parent's death. Boy, have I been missing out.

My phone buzzes in my pocket and I pull it out.

Sorry, I am really tired and am probably going to head to bed soon. Not feeling well. Maybe tomorrow. 

I glance at the clock to read 3:43. She's going to bed soon? 

My heart nearly stalls as I reread her stating she doesn't feel well... To the point that she is going to be at four in the afternoon? 

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