Chapter Six- Was It Worth It?

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[Was It Worth It?]


January 20, 2016

My alarm clock has been blaring for the past three minutes, however I have not had the motivation to roll over and shut it off.

I stare up at my ceiling fan, watching as the blades run around and around.

I cannot get Lyla out of my head. Last night, she made a friend out of Donovan. He is madly infatuated with her, and it rubs me the wrong way. I don't know this girl, I have no claim on her. However, the thought of another man touching her makes my blood boil.

She spent the rest of the night with us, leaving around two in the morning to return home. We had made popcorn and all settled on the couch, Lyla in the middle, as we watched a comedy she picked out.

I was too preoccupied with watching how delicately she ate the kernels, or how she would subtly shake her head as she laughed, that I didn't understand the film.

For the rest of the night, I remained mostly silent. Even when Donovan later asked questions, I didn't put in my two cents. I just sat back and listened to all of her answers.

From the imitation interview, I learned that Lyla's parents live in Sandwich Illinois, which is where I grew up when I was a kid. I also learned that her favorite hobby is horse back riding and that she is in love with her job. Her favorite food is pesto pasta, her favorite color is mostly purple, sometimes orange. She once dyed her hair black and confessed that it was a horrible mistake.

I cannot imagine her with black hair. I nearly cringe at the thought. Lyla's blond hair is beyond beautiful. I wish I could run my fingers through it, I have a feeling it is soft.

Other than those small facts, the conversation for the rest of the night was about Donovan's work at the auto shop and a little about underground fighting.

Lyla had asked me if I enjoyed fighting. The obvious answer was, yes.

She confessed to hating it, not being one to tolerate blood and gore. She said the only reason she ever goes is to support Sam.

My blood ran hot at the mention of his name.

Why does she have to be friends with him?

Deciding to get the day over with, I lean over and shut my alarm off. I slide out of bed, dressed only in black boxer briefs, and make my way towards my bathroom. I run a hand through my shortly trimmed hair and look in the mirror.

I notice almost immediately the scar along the left side of my jaw, from the fight at the gas station ten years ago. The bastard had on a pair of shinny rings, and they cut through the skin pretty deep. Left a jagged scar, nothing too horrific. You have to be looking pretty intensely to see it, it's not one that draws attention.

But every morning, it is the first thing I see.

Because of this scar, I am where I am today.

This scar is a constant reminder, of how far I've come and how much I have changed from that fifteen year old boy.

After taking a quick shower and donning on a pair of Adidas track pants and a tee, I head down to the kitchen.

Talia is blending a protein shake and I instinctively grab the blender to pour myself a cup. She watches me with wary eyes as she sips the vanilla flavored shake. I watch her for a moment before I turn and walk toward Donny, who is making himself scrambled eggs.

"So.... Lyla." Donovan smirks down at the skillet. I hear a scoff and peek out of the corner of my eye to see Talia storming off. I wish she didn't feel the way she does towards me. I wish we could return to how we used to be, for I can never been what she wants.

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