Chapter Seventeen- The Truth

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[The Truth]


March 14, 2016

For the last three days, Matthew has done well with remaining in bed and not partaking in any intense physical activity. Sadly for him, that means no running into town or boxing at the gym. I do enjoy watching him box, however.

He puts all others to shame, the way his muscle cords tighten and loosen upon every punch and duck and kick. Matthew is a rich, successful, handsome man, and he chose to be with me, the sick, dying cancer girl.

I will never understand why he's done so. Why he would give his heart to a girl like me. Does he not know the risk, that I might leave him without either of us wanting it? I did promise, and I will love him until my very last breath. It is impossible not to fall in love with a man such as Matthew Peters.

He has given me so much more than I could ever ask for. I just want to reciprocate it.

So tonight I am going to his house, while Donovan somehow distracts Matthew up in his room. I bought pasta and ingredients to make my homemade pesto sauce with homemade garlic bread and red wine.

I hope tonight shows him just how much I love and appreciate him.

"Lyla, we need to talk." I look behind me to see Samuel walking towards me, a sour look on his face. Pulling my eyebrows together, I set my groceries on the kitchen counter of my townhouse and face Samuel.

"What's wrong?" I ask. Samuel's dark brown eyes downcast, not looking at anything in particular until he grabs my hand and walks me towards the couch.

He gently pushes me down and I gulp.

This news requires for me to sit? How bad can it be?

"Do you know why Matthew hates me so much?"

Whoa, I was not expecting this.

I shrug my shoulders. "Bee just told me you had a falling out, after his parents died in a car accident." I never really wanted to delve further into it, not until recently. But I am surprised to be getting the story without prying it from either one of them.

Sam sighs and runs a hand through his hair as he begins to pace the length of my living room. "Yes, that is partially true. Ahem." Samuel clears his throat and I begin to see sweat forming at his hairline. "Matthew's parents died because of me.... Because of us."

I wanted to know who the 'us' was that he's referring to. But when he turns to look at me, I am taken back by his statement. I had nothing to do with their death. How could he say that?!

"You remember the night your sister was in the accident? She was driving to meet me at a party-"

"You? Why- You guys knew each other?" I shake my head, confusion seeming to overtake me. Why did I not know this? That my sister was friends with Sam?

Sam clears his throat again, rubbing the back of his neck. "Amelia and I were sort of seeing each other at the time... I invited her to the party and she was on her way. However, she got a call from some girls mother saying that her sister wasn't comfortable spending the night at some sleep over. So Amelia had to turn around and pick you up. And on her way to get you, she ran a red light, because she was texting me an apology. She t-boned a car, killing the driver immediately and the wife died within the next few minutes." I shake my head, jumping to my feet as I look up at Sam.

Why is he telling me this?

"Amelia made it to the hospital, you know this. I saw her before she passed and she made me promise to look after you."

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