Chapter Nineteen- Forgiveness

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March 19, 2016

He lies curled up in the armchair, dressed in nothing but his fighting shorts and a t-shirt that looks a size too small on him. I can see the bruises marring his face, along with a few cuts. His nose even looks broken from his angle. I am sure his body under the shirt is even worse. 

Why is he here? 

Does he think that because I am in the hospital, with another near death experience, that he is able to just walk back into my life? He didn't trust me. He so easily dismissed everything we built together. He didn't even let me explain, or defend myself. He kicked me out of his house. 

Out of his life. 

I love him, more than I have ever loved someone. But right now, I don't trust my heart with him. I gave it to him, and he broke it. 

After two months, what Matthew and I had... It thought it was invincible. I thought I was going to beat this cancer with him by my side. I was looking forward to having a long life with him, because we so easily fell in love with each other. I thought we were perfect for each other. 

And perhaps we are. 

But right now, I can't give him my heart again. Not fully. 

I close my eyes and let out a heavy sigh. 

I relapsed. After finding out that I was on the path toward recovery and having the sense of hope for such a short amount of time... It's cruel and unfair. Because now, I am basically at square one. I have begun chemo again and already, I have had a heavy nose bleed and passed out. 

I am certain that I fainted, partially because of the fight that was occurring at the same time. I knew that one of the two guys I loved was going to get hurt. And when I began bleeding, I only thought about how Matthew was most likely bleeding as well. And the thought made me lightheaded.

A soft knock comes from the door and I turn my head to see Sam poke his head in. I bite my bottom lip, looking at him with uncertainty. I don't know what to think toward him, right now. He has ruined my relationship with Matthew and I am sure it was so he could win the fight.

Did he win? 

Or did Matthew win?

Samuel is equally beaten up, sporting bruises and cuts as well. He looks over at Matthew, who is rousing from his sleep. Sam ignores him, walking towards me. 

"Hey, Ly." I just stare at him, gulping. What is his motive? "Feeling okay?" 

"Get. Out." I tighten at the sound of Matthew's voice. Looking over, I see him sitting upright in his chair, glaring harshly at Samuel. I can see now, since his is awake, that his left eye is nearly swollen shut. 

"Are you sure you're wanted here, Matty?" Samuel shoots back to Matt. 

I watch as the two bicker back and forth with each other. "You did this, Sam. You knew it would break her. You knew it would break me. It was your secret weapon, from the beginning, wasn't it? To use their death against me." Listening to Matt, I realized I was right. Sam did plan this, to win the fight against Matt. 

"I warned her. You would let her down in the end. And you did. Congratulations, Matt. On being so predictable and living up to expectations." My eyes widen. Now, that was just plain rude. 

Matt makes a move to advance Sam, but I manage to reach out and place a hand on his arm. Matt instantly looks down at me, his stone cold face slowly softening. "Sam, I told you that I'd never be able to forgive you for what you did. But, if you want there to be a chance, then I need you to leave. Right now." 

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