Chapter Eight-Take Care

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[Take Care]


January 22, 2016

My cheek still tingles from the kiss Lyla gave me almost ten minutes ago.

What is this girl doing to me?

The smile on her face, from when I told her about the concert, is still apparent. I have decided to try with all my power to keep that smile. It's the sort that reaches her eyes, making them glisten with happiness.

I have always believed that true happiness can only be seen in the eyes. People may grin and laugh, but if their eyes do not smile, then they are not truly blissful.

As we pull into a parking lot and I pay the ten dollar fee, Lyla begins to get antsy in her seat. She looks around at the number of people walking by, most wearing X Ambassadors' attire. Once she parks the truck, we walk around to meet each other and I instinctively drape an arm around her shoulders.

Lyla doesn't seem to mind, she cozies up next to me, with her own arm loosely hanging around my waist. I feel her fingers hook around a belt loop, making me smile slightly. The feel of her in my arms in satisfying. I don't ever want to let her go.

We follow the crowd to the entrance, many people closing in around us. I get agitated as numerous bodies rub against me and shove me forward. I even shoot a few drunken teenagers death glares.

I had gone to the gym earlier this morning to hit out any rage I might have. It is good to do this every day, for if I don't, I feel as if there is some unknown anger riling within me and I have to let it out one way or another. And letting it out in front of Lyla wasn't an option.

So I grit my teeth to refrain from turning on those kids and giving them a piece of my mind. I just focus on the warmth that Lyla is emitting.

We soon get through the metal detectors and security. I instantly drag us to a bar where I buy coke and rum for myself and when I ask her what she wants, she says, "whatever you're having". I nearly down the first drink but never went back for a second.

I'm not going to lose myself in front of her.

I buy us each a basket of hot dogs and fries, along with a large water for us to share. We then find our seats, which are first level, third row.

"Oh my goodness. This must have cost a fortune." Lyla whispers, her chin hitting my shoulder as she speaks in my ear. She looks around the stadium, her eyes zeroing in on the stage before she slowly falls into her chair. "Oh my..."

I watch her amazement before I sit beside her, smiling. I am glad she is enjoying this, it already makes this concert one of my favorites. It's never fun taking a girl someplace, and having them be unappreciative. That's one of the many reasons Lyla is special.

"This is amazing. I'm so excited." She bounces in her seat for a moment before she leans back and crosses her legs.

Lyla looks as though she is a child in a candy store, or as if this is the first time she's been to a concert, or even in the United Center.

"Is this the first concert you've been to?"

"Erm, no. I went to a school concert, many years back. This is my first time being in this stadium, however. It's huge."

I pull my eyebrows together and shake my head. You can't count a high school performance as a concert. How has she never been to a concert? Doesn't she ever have the desire to go see her favorite bands live? Surely Bianca would love to accompany her... Even Samuel would go, much to my distaste.

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