Chapter 9

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Song: Maria Maria (Salsa Version) by Santana


Raven had my bedroom looking like a landfill. She had literally made mountains out of molehills. Piles of dresses, skirts, tops, rompers, hangers, and heels were set in piles like land mines. I had never had the cleanest room, by a long shot. I had always claimed that I couldn't function without a little disorder, but I forgot what it was like living with her. In the few hours she had been at my apartment, she had totally trashed it. I couldn't see a bare surface anywhere. I was only going on a date, not to a fashion show. I didn't see why she needed to bring so much for me to try on.

But she insisted. We had been at it for hours, trying on outfit after outfit like I was at a department store. She rejected nearly every one. My makeup was done and hair was curled but I was still clad in my underwear.

"Don't worry, Liyah," she laid her hand on my shoulder. "I'll be all packed up and out of your hair before you're back."

"Mm, well I'll never get to leave if you don't pick something."

Raven surveyed over all of the clothes on the bed, then disappeared into the living room and came back with a beautiful silky red dress. I shimmied into it and took a look in the mirror. It had a long slit on the left side that left my leg exposed.

"I need a pair of heels." I stuck my leg out in the Angelina Jolie signature pose.

The doorbell rang.

"I got you." She handed me a pair of black strappy heels. "Just let your hair down."

I took the heated rollers out one by one and finger combed through. My hair fell in beachy waves down my back. Tugging on the heels, I made my way towards my front door. I couldn't help but feel like I was going to a school dance. I skipped all of my own (for good reason) but I imagine this is what it would've felt like. I would've been nervous and at the door waiting for me it would've been--

"Chris...," I trailed off.

He looked like he would've been Prom King back in high school. He looked sharp and was just wearing dress pants and shoes and a red button almost the precise shade of my dress. I knew I was staring but he was too, eyeing the slit in my dress.

"Alright, alright. Stop staring at each other and get going." Raven gave us both a little shove.

Chris lead me by the small of my back down the steps and to his car, opening the door for me.

It was quiet for the first few moments, the radio playing softly.

"So, how's your car?"

"It's holding up... for now, at least."

He nodded.

"I hope Raven didn't dress me up too formal. I didn't know what the plans were for tonight." I gestured to the dress.

He bit his lip, voice lowered. He looked over at me and replied, "No, not at all."

"Where are we going anyway?"

"You'll see," he replied, a little smirk on his face.

"Just so you know, I'm not really a big fan of surprises."

"Duly noted."

Chris passed through Harlem, crossing over to the Spanish side. I had always had a love for this place. My mother had a taste for Mexican food often growing up and there wasn't a week that passed where we didn't have enchiladas or tapas or some other Latin dish for dinner. My dream vacation destination when I was a kid was the beautiful Barcelona, where I hoped to take my mother one day so she could experience the real thing. However, Spanish Harlem was the closest we'd ever get. I would picture this storyline every time we rode through; of a teenage boy and a girl falling in love despite their adversities, in a very Cheetah Girls 4-esque way. My mother loved it and asked me for my new installment to the series. Sometimes I already had an idea; sometimes I'd make it up as I went. It always had a happy ending.

"We're here."

I looked up to a giant three story building sitting in front of us. I recognized it as the Lorenzo. He lead me to a side entrance door.

"A dance school?"

He didn't answer, instead, pulling a key out of his pocket. He unlocked the door and entered, walking with ease through the dark, pulling me by the hand with him.

I heard a few light switches and levers click and snap into place.

Lights clicked on section by section and in front of me laid a grand wooden stage, the type Misty Copeland would perform on. It was large enough to fit a whole dance company and we were in a theater large enough to hold at least a few hundred people. I ran my hand over the deep red velvet curtain.

"Okay, okay, okay. Can you tell me what's going on now?"

"I told you the first day we met, that I dance. Tonight I want you to dance with me."

He clicked one last button and extended his hand.

I took it tentatively as the beat started. I didn't have two left feet but I definitely was not a bachata dancer; or a dancer of any kind for that matter. My mother used to joke that at my wedding, it was best if I just smiled and swayed.

Christopher swayed his hips so fluidly, I understood where the grace I first noticed came from. He must have danced for years.

He pushed up the sleeves of his button up and laid his hands on my hips. When he moved, I mimicked. He watered down the movements so I could learn them and I shadowed him through each step.

The only training I had under my belt was a year of dance at five years old. A line dance was the most complex form of dance I could perform. I felt silly and clumsy next to him, tripping over my own feet. It took me about a half an hour of step by step directions and a few awkward unnatural movements, but eventually, I got it.

After maybe the thirtieth time through he suggested, "Alright. From the top, okay?"

I nodded.

Just follow his lead.

The music started and we were off, legs switching and hips gliding and arms intertwining; I felt like I was speeding down the freeway and floating smoothly on a cloud at the same time. I fell in love with the song playing also. Maria also happened to be the name of my heroine. The other protagonist was named Tony because my mother took me to see West Side Story at age five. Tony and Maria; Romeo and Juliet; Chris and Aaliyah.

I felt alive.

When the music stopped, all I could do was grin at him.

"Did you like it?"

"I loved it."

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