Chapter 16

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Song: Loveeeeeee Song by Rihanna feat. Future


I mean, like Future. I know a lot of males love his drug and suppressed feelings and toxic masculinity influenced music but it really wasn't my speed. It was good turn up music but it didn't have any substance. And I wasn't one to say that every song had to talk about social issues or real emotions but maybe one in a hundred?

He was the day's guest and he kept eyeing me through the glass wall. The only time he stopped was to look at Derek during the interview or to switch his attention over to Karrueche. She seemed to like his gaze more than I.

Karrueche had been acting different since the birthday party and had seemed to have taken an interest in Chris. The next day at work she had a thousand questions about him and his background. I got annoyed after the first twenty but I also realized how much I still don't know about him yet. I knew don't basic things like where he grew up and his birthday and his government and a few other trivial things, but I didn't know anything about past relationships or his parents or where he went to school. I didn't know much about what he did either. I knew he made a lot of money but not really how. And then more Karrueche asked me, the more upset I got, not only at her but because I didn't know the answers.

I did know one thing about Chris: that he was passionate about his music and I wanted to do something for him.

I stepped into the recording room during a commercial break. I ignored Future and kept my eyes on Derek.

"Hey Derek, can I speak with you when you get a chance?"

"Actually, we just finished up. Let me just queue up a few songs," he scooted his chair back and pressed a few buttons on the computer behind him.

Future and Derek stood up, shook hands and hugged.

"Yo, thank you for coming by man. I appreciate it," Derek thanked him.

"Aye, I'm making an appearance at Silver tonight. You and your girl coming through?"


Future glanced over at me. "I hope to see your fine ass too. And your friend."

I had to keep it professional since I was at work.

"I'll make sure to mention it to her." I faked a smile.

He nodded at Karrueche across the room and left.

"You wanted to talk?" Derek asked.

"Yeah, can we do it somewhere a little more private?"

"My office?"

I followed him inside and shut the door behind us.

"So, Derek," I started, "You know that I've never asked you for anything ever. And I wouldn't ask if it wasn't something that was really important to me. Like, insanely important. And I can't believe that I'm even really asking this of you right now--"

"Aaliyah, calm down. Get to the point. You know I don't bite."

I took a deep breath.

"So the thing I wanted to talk to you about is... I know someone who is very, very, very talented, and you know that's something coming from me. This individual has an amazing voice and wants to break into the music industry and... I was wondering if you would at least meet them? Please, it would mean a lot to me."

"Aaliyah, if it means that much to you, definitely. You're not one to ask for favors so I know this is big."

"Really? You'd do that for me?"

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