Chapter 32

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Song: Family Affair by Mary J. Blige


There wasn't much that could fuck up the high I was riding on since getting my own show-- except for maybe my family. They just had this particular way of sucking the life out of you the minute you walked through the door and it all had to do with the energy and ways of Estella.

She just had this way about her that changed up the energy of everyone around her. On their own my aunt and Raven were fine but their personalities changed around my grandmother. My grandfather used to mellow the fuck out of my grandmother and keep her from getting too crazy but since his passing, she's been nothing short of a nightmare.

Before Derek had returned I was scheduled to run his Thanksgiving shift and had canceled on dinner with the family though I wasn't too shaken up about it. I was able to get off early though, just setting up a playlist to run for the day. Chris wasn't going home to Virginia either and was excited to meet the other side of my family for some odd reason even with my warnings about them. He encouraged me to go anyway and his optimism found us in front of the side door of my grandmother's.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" I asked, "Because it's not too late to turn around and head back."

He knocked and put his hand on the small of my back so I couldn't make a dash back to the car.

I did not have a lot of good memories in this house as I did with my other grandparents. I dreaded anytime I had to come over here and tried to get out of it whenever I could. Estella didn't really want me there and I didn't really want to be there.

"Oh, look who the cat dragged in," Estella commented as we stepped into the kitchen. "I thought you were too busy to come to visit your grandmother with your new job, little girl."

Listening to Chris...

I gritted my teeth and smiled through it, kissing her on the cheek.

"I was able to get off after all."

"Well, you should've let somebody know. I would've cooked more food if I knew we were going to have extras." She huffed.

She knew good and well that she always cooked way more food than we needed, more than enough for everyone to have two plates and take two home. There was not a shortage to worry about.

"Grandmother Estella, aunt Tanya, this is Chris, my boyfriend. Chris, this is my aunt and my grandmother."

Tanya gave him a hug and welcomed him. "It's nice to finally meet you."

Estella eyed him over, looking at his tattoos peeping out from under his button-down, judging him from his appearance, I was sure.

"My sweet little Raven is getting married. They make a fine couple but I don't approve of you two living together. Mmmm, that's something you save for marriage," she turned her attention to me and Chris. "Raven's fiance Tremaine is a doctor though. Fine young gentleman, very smart and respectful." She nodded approvingly at Trey standing awkwardly with Raven in the corner.

"Trey and I actually grew up with each other ma'am. I lived with him for a few years. He's how I met Aaliyah."

"We grew up like brothers," Trey affirmed.

She ignored Trey's comment, asking Chris, "Your mother approve of all of those tattoos you've marked yourself up with?"

"She doesn't mind, as long as I keep them off of my face."

"It must be hard to get a job with all of those. Employers don't like to see all that ink. It's unprofessional; makes you look dirty."

Trey also had a large piece on his chest and back. She wouldn't mind it on him just because he's a doctor. She was looking for any and every flaw she could point out to justify her not liking Chris.

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