Chapter 11

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Song: All I Do Is Think Of You by Troop; Underneath the Stars by Mariah Carey


An ethereal bright white light overpowered the darkness and the two opened their eyes. A cop car had pulled in to check out the suspicious car and interrupted their intimate moment. After the officer politely kicked them out of the park, Chris checked the time and sighed.

"Well, I guess I ought to be getting you home now."

"I don't have a curfew, you know." Aaliyah retorted.

He laughed but didn't respond. He had promised Trey that he'd stop by an old friend of the family for him. Trey had bought a gift for her birthday but had to work a double shift at the hospital. He would've invited Aaliyah along but he didn't plan on staying long and he wanted to make a good impression. Starting with getting her home at a reasonable hour. She did have to work tomorrow.

They arrived in front of her apartment and Chris walked her up to the door. He had been planning for what seemed like forever trying to impress her tonight. He held onto her every word, making mental notes of every little thing that she liked. By the smile that she gave him at the door, he knew that it had paid off.

Looking down at the ground, she started, "Look, I know I haven't exactly been the most open and warm towards you, but it's because I just don't know how to express affection like that."

She looked up. "I do really like you Christopher and I really enjoyed tonight. And if you're willing to put up with my ass, I'd love for it to happen again."

Chris pecked her on the lips and she blushed.

"Just tell me when and where and I'll come running."

He bid her farewell and left after he made sure that she had gotten in safe. He rode back by Trey's to pick up the gift. He changed into a pair of jeans and loosened up his button up while he thought about how he couldn't wait until his place was ready. He appreciated his best friend's generosity but couldn't help but feel like he was imposing. He hated feeling dependent on others and felt like a thief in the night when he was there alone. He was always innately aware that this was Trey's space no matter how at home Trey tried to make him feel.

A text popped up with the address and Chris headed out. He had expected maybe an intimate dinner that he'd stop by, not the house party he pulled up to. Nevertheless, he pushed his way through the crowds until he found the birthday girl.


"Chris? You're Trey's friend, right?" She gave him a quick hug.

"Yeah, I'm just dropping by to deliver his gift," he handed over the bag. "Happy Birthday by the way."

"Aw, thanks. You know you don't have to rush out; stay a while. Have some fun."

"Maybe for a minute, but I should really get going."

He assured her that he might stay for a little bit but parties like this just weren't his thing anymore. There was just too much temptation: alcohol, drugs, meaningless sex. It didn't fit into his lifestyle. And he wasn't trying to spend the night fending off advances. He'd rather go home.

He had started making his way towards the front door when he saw the honey blonde tresses that had covered almost every magazine known to man.

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