Chapter 26

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Song: He Loves Me (Lyzel in E Flat) by Jill Scott


I found myself humming Jill Scott's He Loves Me (Lyzel in E Flat) constantly, unconsciously scatting and riffing under my breath. It was forever on a loop in my head, popping up at the most inopportune times. Christopher Brown loved me, and I had known for a while that I was in love with him, even if I hadn't admitted it yet out loud. I loved him even with the so-called bomb he had dropped on me.

The very things that should send red flashing warning signs to make me turn on my heel and take off running as fast as I could far away from him, made me fall even deeper for him. Lord knows how. I had no doubt that Christopher Maurice Brown was my soulmate; that we crossed paths that day not by coincidence but by design.

I loved his candor. I hated being kept in the dark. How could I protect myself or do what was best for me if I didn't have the whole picture? I didn't have to worry about that with him. Chris didn't try to keep things from me or spare my feelings. I didn't have to pay a penny for his thoughts. For me, he was an open book. His openness from the jump helped me let down my guard too.

I was in no way fearful for my safety. I genuinely felt his remorse and shame in telling me about his domestic dispute. Chris would never put his hands on me. He would never intentionally hurt me. The Pretty Boy persona he had spoken about was a completely different person from the one I knew and loved.

With everything finally out in the open, I was excited and optimistic towards what the future had in store for us. Career advancements, spending our first holidays together and meeting each other's families was just the beginning.

My grandmother Carolyn had called me recently asking if I was coming out there for an early Thanksgiving dinner, as was the tradition when I wasn't spending the holiday with them. I had yet to give her an answer. Of course, I wanted to see my Desi but I would have also liked if Christopher came with me. However, I was too chicken to ask him. The insecure voice in my head worried if it was too soon. Too soon for him to meet my family; too soon to introduce a man into my daughter's life; too soon to admit that I had fallen deep and things had gotten this serious. I did know however that I'd have to make a decision quickly because the date was creeping up on me.

Every time I tried to bring it up anyway, I found some way to cop out of asking him. I had set today as the deadline in my calendar. I wanted to give my grandparents an answer in time for them to get the Ohio State football game tickets (or at least that's what I told myself to hype me up), but my already long itinerary list just kept growing. I doubted I'd even get to see Chris today to ask. 

He was meeting with a possible manager and I was supposed to pick up an artist coming into town.

She wasn't a very well known artist— at least, not in the states. She had lived out in Thailand and toured the Pacific for a few years. She was big on the islands for her angelic, soulful voice and was coming to the US to expand her audience. Derek reached out when he heard she was open to coming back; he had been a generous mood lately, helping smaller artists. Her arrival was very hush-hush; meant to be a surprise.

I hadn't heard of her before Derek, and there wasn't much to be found about her on the Internet. She was off the grid as if she didn't exist. I had listened to her mixtape though a hundred times to prepare and understood what all of the hype was about. The girl was amazing. It was safe to say that I was obsessed. The person behind the voice I was excited to meet.

Standing in the baggage claim area of the La Guardia airport, I felt a little silly. I was holding up this big sign that read her name and had no idea what she looked like. She could've been any of the hundreds of people passing by me. Maybe I just expected someone whose aura matched the floral mixtape cover to float by.

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