Chapter 15

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Song: Ms. Jackson by OutKast


For the first time in years, Chris Brown had a girlfriend. Chris had a significant other. Someone referred to Christopher as their boyfriend. It may sound corny to some but as soon as he took Aaliyah back home that day, he called his mother to tell her the news. He was over the moon. He felt so good he just wanted to sing.

And he did. He sang anything and everything. Gospel, R&B, Pop-- it didn't matter. He sang songs he knew, he made up songs, and he even narrated what he was doing.

He was still whistling some song he had heard on the radio earlier that week when the doorbell chimed echoed through the house. He wasn't expecting any company and he hadn't heard from Aaliyah yet that day.

But there she was at the door. She walked right in and asked, "How would you like to go to a birthday party?"

"I'd love to. When is it?"

"Right now. Go get dressed."

Chris muttered out an "okay" and ran to get ready. A quick shower later he was standing in his closet picking out a button down when Aaliyah walked in. She took one look at the shirt and his hand and laughed.

"Um, that's a little too formal," she took the shirt from him and hung it back up, "The birthday boy is turning three. A t-shirt will suffice."

Aaliyah pulled out a plain white tee and some black shorts to match her white shirt and black skirt. 

"Ooo, matching outfits?"

"Just put it on."

Twenty minutes later, Aaliyah and Christopher pulled up to a park shelter. Chris couldn't help but feel slightly nervous. This was the first time he was really meeting any of Aaliyah's friends and he was completely unprepared.  

Aaliyah pulled out a gift bag from the back seat. "You ready?"

He nodded.

They got out of the car and head towards the shelter. There were a handful of cars out front, but not many. The shelter was the one closest to the jungle gym, and a couple of toddlers could be seen running around. A petite Blasian girl spotted the couple and waved enthusiastically. 

Aaliyah and the girl hugged. Chris couldn't help but think that the girl looked familiar. 

"Chris, this is my co-worker and the mommy of the birthday boy, Eli. Karrueche, this is Chris, my boyfriend." Aaliyah smiled. 

It was the first time she had introduced him to anyone as her boyfriend and he liked the way it sounded coming from her. And the way it made him feel. 

Chris scrunched up his eyebrows. "K-what?

"Kae is fine," Kae replied, "Aaliyah, Eli is over by the cake."

She pointed to a little curly-haired boy underneath the shelter. 

"Aw, let me go say hi to my little man." Aaliyah cooed.

She walked off and Chris couldn't help but stare at her behind for a few seconds. He loved sundresses and skirts and pretty much any other stretchy material. He started to follow after her but Kae grabbed onto his arm.

"You know, Aaliyah didn't mention how handsome you were." She eyed him over. 

"Um, thank you." He rubbed the back of his neck.

"You're even finer than your little friend Trey. The tattoos suit you," she ran her hand over his bicep.

He stepped away from her. "You met Trey?"

"Oh, did I. Those scrubs; I love a man in uniform. I'd love to play doctor." She bit her lip.

Chris was more than grateful for the little boy who ran up just then. He let out a sigh of relief to see Aaliyah returning not far behind him.

The boy favored Kae quite a bit, with the same brown slanted eyes and caramel skin. He tugged on Kae's hand.

"Mommy, look! LiLi's here!" 

Chris wondered where the little boy's daddy was at because his momma was out here wilding.

"And I told him he had to wait to open his gift until mommy said it was okay."

Elijah pushed the bag out towards Kae. "We open it now?"

"No honey, not yet. Go put it on the table with the other ones." She pointed back under the shelter.

Elijah's lip poked out. "Why not?"

"Elijah what did I say? Go put it down." 

Elijah's nostrils flared. "I don't like you! I want my daddy!"

Christopher watched the boy run off. When he looked back up he saw tears welling up in Kae's eyes. Aaliyah stepped towards her, putting an arm around her.

"Kae, honey, it's okay. Kids say things they don't mean when they get upset--"

"But that's the thing, he does mean it. He wants his dad and I can't give that to him. I work my ass off making minimum wage to take care of him and clothe him and feed him and keep him in daycare and he doesn't even know the tip of the iceberg of how much I do for him. How much I did to even have him. I wish his dad was here too, to help carry the weight."

"Do you have any idea at all where he might be?"

"No. He could be anywhere. Probably locked up for all I know. He wasn't the best guy."

Now Chris felt bad for her, even though she did just try to hit on him a few minutes ago.

He asked, "You don't have any family that could help you out?"

Kae shook her head no. "I had a sister but..."

Aaliyah mouthed to Chris, "Her sister passed away."

"I just wish she was here. I know we had our differences and we butted heads a lot but... we could've worked through them. She should be here. They should be here."

Aaliyah hugged Kae tight to her chest, rubbing her back to soothe her. 

"It's just so hard to do this alone and--," she broke out into sobs. 

"Believe me, Karrueche, I understand. More than you know. It's going to be alright. You're strong. You're a great mom to Eli and when he's older, he'll be able to understand and appreciate all that you do for him and the sacrifices you've made."

Kae wiped at her tears. "You're right. I'm sorry I'm so emotional. I need to get it together." She fanned herself.

"Dry your eyes and get yourself together. You had a moment but you can get through this day for your little boy."

Chris had never seen Aaliyah being this comforting and sweet before. He liked this almost maternal side to her. 

Kae straightened up and cleared her throat. "Alright. Aaliyah, can you help me gather everyone up to cut sing Happy Birthday and cut the cake?"

The guests were gathered up around the cake table and sang Happy Birthday. Chris tried to downplay his singing but it killed him to sing offkey. Of course, Kae had to make a comment on his voice and "how beautiful and sexy it was". How she got all of that from the Birthday song, he didn't know.  

Chris watched how Kae switched from one personality to another, from cordial to flirty to sad to entertaining. He didn't know much about her but he knew one thing: he'd have to keep an eye out on her.

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If you guys have songs that you think fit the chapters better too also make sure to leave the title and artist in the comments.

~ Majesty

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