Chapter 37

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Song: Rehab by Rihanna


Aaliyah went out into the hallway and hadn't returned for some time.

Robyn was hysterical when she was told her options. She tried to run again and had to be restrained by hospital security. They finally got her to calm down after a sedative and she had been nearly catatonic since. She just stared straight ahead at nothing in particular.

She looked over at Chris with bloodshot eyes, utterly defeated. She sighed.

"I'm going to go to rehab." She croaked.

He was relieved.

"That's great."

"I just chased after a man that tried to kill me," she continued as if she didn't even hear him. "I need help. What will happen to Imani if I don't? I'll run back and he'll kill the both of us."

He wasn't quite sure what to say back. He didn't want to say anything that sounded judgemental, to shame her for not coming to this conclusion sooner. He just nodded in agreeance.

It hurt him to see her crying, distraught and in pain. He wanted to relieve some of that hurt in any way he could. He stayed with Robyn while she called her mother back in Barbados and told her the news. Mrs. Fenty was understandably upset that Robyn hadn't told her the news sooner but said that she would try to get to the states as soon as she could. None of them were sure of how long it would take her to get a travel visa. It could be weeks, it could be months.

While they conversed back and forth in patois, Aaliyah knocked on the door beckoning Chris into the hallway. She did not look happy.

He felt like a little kid being walked to the principal's office following her out.

Aaliyah extended the phone out to him, not saying anything. He put the phone up to his ear.


"Christopher Maurice Brown. Do not stop your life to take care of this woman's child!"

Mama Joyce spoke in a tone Chris rarely ever heard from her. If he wasn't sure whether or not he was in trouble earlier, he definitely knew that he was in the doghouse now.

His mother was absolutely livid. Though Chris certainly didn't appreciate that Aaliyah had called his mother to admonish him, at least she was showing that she cared about him by being concerned.

He waved for Aaliyah to follow him as he closed the door and stepped down the hallway where he put the call on speakerphone. He didn't want Robyn to hear the following conversation because he knew his mother was not about to hold back.

"Now I know I raised you to be a man of God, to help your neighbor but you cannot rob Peter to pay Paul either. You will become consumed with trying to be her savior and spend until there's nothing left of you. How did that she-devil even get back in your life in the first place? I was so excited hearing about all of these good things going for you. You sounded so happy with Aaliyah and you got that recording deal you've been dreaming of since you were a boy. God has big plans for you."

"I just can't stand the thought of that kid going into the foster care, without having their parents. I know what it feels like to be alone, to feel like you have to take care of yourself at a young age I don't want that for anyone else."

Joyce sighed.

"Yes, son. You also know better than anyone else that sometimes not being with their biological parents may be the best thing for them, even if only temporarily. During some of our hardest times, I was beyond grateful that you had the Neversons. A safe, warm, loving home to lay your head down in when things weren't the best at home. You could be blocking this little girl's blessings by finding a family that can take care of her and loves her properly."

"What if Robyn can be that though? She just needs some support. I have free time--"

"You can't raise a child in your 'free time'. It's a fulltime job. You're already juggling two careers right now and about to start recording an album. That's your dream, you have been blessed with the opportunity, and you are not going to throw that away for anyone. You have no idea what you're about to get yourself into, son, the long nights and early mornings. You think you have time to take care of a child? Late nights in the studio, press releases, interviews, meetings. You don't even have any experience with taking care of a child. Feeding, changing diapers, baby-proofing the house. Are you going to drive a newborn around in a Lamborghini? Be realistic, boy."

He didn't have anything to take care of a child. He'd have to order a crib, a changing table, a car seat, etc. and baby proof the entirety of his bachelor pad. He'd need to get another car to even take the baby home. The Lambo wouldn't fit a car seat.

"I have to take her. What if this is God's way of me making amends?"

"Honey, when are you going to forgive yourself? You need to make amends with yourself, not with Robyn."

"I don't know if I'll ever be able to forgive myself if I don't do everything in my power to help her get back on her feet. It's my fault she's gotten to this point."

"How is this your fault, Christopher? She had issues before you were ever together. She chose to start using those substances. You didn't force those drugs into her system. You didn't force her to be in a relationship with that man. You didn't put that baby in her. These are not your problems to solve."

He stayed silent.

Mama J sighed.

"I'm flying back out since you seem to have lost your damn everlasting mind. Clean up ya house. Cleanliness is next to godliness and you need as much of him as you can get right now. I'll be there within 48 hours. Give the phone back to Aaliyah."

Aaliyah hadn't said a word to him since she handed him the phone. It seemed that she had already gotten out what she thought about the situation to Mama; Mama was just the best messenger to try and get it through to him.

It was a well-played card but he couldn't ignore this guilt and obligation he felt in his heart.

The woman, Elizabeth, from Child Services returned and Chris followed her back into the room. Aaliyah seemed to be holding her breath, she was so still. She grabbed Chris's hand in hers

"Alright, Ms. Fenty, have you weighed your options?"

"I'll go to rehab."

"And what about your child? Do you have arrangements for her?"

Robyn looked up to him, waiting for his answer. Would he take her? Would he not? He couldn't stand that weight on his heart feeling as if he had taken another thing away from Robyn. This baby could be the thing to save her and get her back on track.

"I'll take her until her mother can."

Aaliyah ripped her hand out of his, recoiling away from him as she stared at him in utter confusion.

He kept his eyes on the officials in front of him. He could feel himself losing Aaliyah, his heart breaking with each dumb decision he kept making that drove a wedge further and further between him. However, he was on a speeding train now. He didn't know where to but it was too late to turn back now and he couldn't get off. He had to wait for the inevitable crash and hoped he didn't lose the girl of his dreams in the process.

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