Cease the Second Kind

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This idea was heavily influenced by "The 2nd Law" album by the rock band Muse.

Entropy in physics describes a scenario where perpetual disorder dominates the isolated system.

Human progress seems to be that of the Second Kind.  Always moving ahead, never seeming to stop.  Hopes were high when humanity reached the half point in the 21st Century.  Life was completely technological and information travelled near to light speed.  Seventeen-year old Amanda Schrodinger of mountainous Las Rocas, California lives in this world of seemingly endless progress.  The average girl  leads a normal life, however, this life of hers begins to be affected by social entropy.  The warning signs were present for decades.  An economy based on infinite growth isn't sustainable; it's doomed to self-destruction.

The oil wellsprings around the world are reduced to mere trickles.   Electricity for housing is gone in a matter of days, leaving only the well-off and public facilities still running with power.  Traffic on roads becomes a motionless logjam of cars lined up for miles.

Since oil was the blood running through the world's veins, everything begins to become disorderly and suffer from economic and social asphyxia.  Remaining oil reserves and electric power are pumped into militaries to be used to arrest the unstoppable force of social unrest of the global populace.

Amanda, with her former life in shambles, must move with her family through murderous streets where the people now became cannabalistic, and will seek food and shelter at the expense of other's lives.

Follow Amanda as she tries to survive in a world where disorder and anarchy rears its ugly head.

...It's survival of the fittest now.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2013 ⏰

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