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Camila sat impatiently on Ally's satin fabric couch, staring at the contact for Lauren in her phone. She was nervous to Facetime her, but at least everyone else would be there with her.

Ally was in the kitchen, making snacks for everyone while the two waited for the others to arrive. Camila lived next door, so she just decided to come over early to hang out. She would've offered to help Ally, if she wasn't such a terrible cook. And don't forget lazy.

The doorbell rang, indicating that the others were there. Camila knew Dinah had to have gotten a ride from Normani, since she still can't drive. Her mother won't let her, despite the fact that she's a freshmen in college and needs some form of transportation to get to school. But that's where Mani comes in.

Camila jumped up, rushing to the door and opening it with a smile. "Cheechee!"

"Chancho!" Dinah hugged her, and Normani watched with a smile and a raised eyebrow as she spun her around. "I haven't seen you in years!"

"You saw each other a week ago." Normani added.

"It felt like years!" Camila giggled as Dinah set her down. "I wish we had classes together."

"Me too, Chanch. Me too."

"Children! Stop dallying and get in here." Ally called from the kitchen.

"'Dallying'?" Dinah whispered with a chuckle. "She sounds like my grandmother."

They entered the kitchen, all heading for the plate of snacks Ally had put together and reaching in before Ally sharply smacked their hands away. "Wash."

They rolled their eyes, heading to the sink to wash their hands.

"Is Lauren ready to Facetime?" Dinah asked no one in particular.

"Uh, I don't know. I'll text her." Camila headed for the living room, the rest of the girls following close behind. Ally carried the plate of snacks and set it on the coffee table, along with a few drinks and napkins. Honestly, she's such a mom.

Mila: lern

Mila: lern r u there

Mila: we're all ready to facetime hbu

Mila: lerrnn

Lauren: im here smh

Lauren: and yeah, i'm ready

Camila smiled, opening Lauren's contact up once more and clicking the Facetime button. She set up her phone so that the four of them fit in the frame. When Lauren picked up, Camila waited anxiously for the picture to load. She was greeted with a smiling Lauren, who was sitting at a desk in what appeared to be her bedroom.

She was beautiful, blurry picture and all. Camila felt her heart flutter when she rasped out two words, "Hey guys." Her voice was so raspy and perfect, and what Camila wouldn't give to listen to that voice all day-

"Hey girl!" Dinah cut off her thoughts. "In case you forgot, I'm Dinah, this is Ally, that's Normani, and that's Camila."

"I remember who is who." She smiled, setting down a pencil and pushing a sketchbook away. "I never forget a face."

"It's so nice to finally talk to you." Ally said, being the most polite as always. "It's still through a screen, but at least it's not through text."

"Yeah." She chuckled.

"So what were you up to?" Normani asked. "Before we called, anyway."

"I was working on an assignment for my class. My professor wanted us to sketch something we found beautiful. I still don't really know what I'm gonna draw, though. He's already given this assignment out in the past, but I'm pretty sure it's just busywork until he can finish grading our essays, so I could totally bullshit it." Lauren rambled on, picking her pencil back up and tapping the eraser on what must've been her sketchpad for the class.

"Draw me." Dinah flipped her hair dramatically, puffing out her lips. "I'm beautiful."

Lauren shook her head in silent laughter. "True."

"What about me?" Normani shoved Dinah playfully.

Ally joined in too. "Nuh-uh honey, if she's drawing anyone it will be me."

Camila watched with a smile, thinking she wasn't nearly beautiful enough for Lauren's project and deciding to stay quiet. She wasn't aware that Lauren was watching her silently through the video, admiring her side profile and engraving it into her memory. She quietly took a screenshot so she could get it right later.

"It's okay, ladies." Lauren's voice drew Camila back. "I think I've got it now. But thank you."

They continued to talk for what felt like hours, and maybe it was. It didn't take long for them to get comfortable with one another, the conversation occasionally drifting to boob size or personal things such as family issues and problems at school. It was like they'd all been together for years, though they'd just met a little over a week ago.

When it was time to hang up, Camila was bummed that she hadn't talked more during the call. She'd just been so nervous, and she couldn't place why. It wasn't because she liked Lauren, was it?

No, there was no way... She couldn't...


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