forty six

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Lauren sat in front of her bedroom mirror, Dinah running the straightener down the back of her hair. Her makeup had already been completed by Mani, who was now sprawled out on her bed with a bag of cheetos listening to Beyoncé. Dinah kept having to instruct Lauren to pull her head up, as she kept looking down to text Camila.

She wanted to get ready in the same room so she could see the beautiful girl she was taking on a date, but the three other girls insisted on getting them ready in separate. Ally was helping Camila in the guest room.

Mila: 😩😩😩 i bet u look hot as fuck

Lauren: you'll have to wait and see 😶

Mila: if dinah is helping u, ur gonna look like a goddess

Mila: and i snuck a look at ur dress when i was stealing ur clothes 👀👀 ur gonna look hot

Mila: i stared at it for like five minutes just fantasizing how beautiful u were gonna look

Lauren: that's what took u so long that one time?

Mila: yes duh

Lauren: well i cant wait to see u 👅👅

Mila: i wont look nearly as attractive as u like hot damn

Mila: u look like u were crafted by god himself in anything

Mila: even sweatpants

Mila: especially sweatpants

Lauren: ☺️☺️☺️ thanks camz

"Ya'll are so adorable." Dinah mumbled over her shoulder, glancing at the texts that were going on between the two. "You two are gonna look like one hot ass couple tonight. Before you leave, I'm going full prom-mom on you."

"You can take one picture. One." Lauren warned. "This isn't a photoshoot."

Dinah gasped, "We should totally have a Camren photoshoot. I could use a new background on my phone."

"I thought Mani was your background?"

"Mani is my lock screen. I want Camren as my home screen." Dinah clarified, finishing up and pausing long enough to spray Lauren's hair with hairspray. "Alright, girl. You're all set."

"And with twenty minutes to spare." Lauren cheered as she glanced at the time on her phone. "Now can I go see Camz?"

"Fine, let's go." Dinah motioned to Normani, who pulled out her headphones and followed the two girls out of the room and down the hall to the guest bedroom. The door was shut and locked, causing Lauren to knock and press her ear closer to listen for either of the girls inside.


Ally cut Camila off from answering. "You can't see her until it's time to leave!"

Normani rolled her eyes from beside Lauren, "Ally, it's not a wedding!"

Dinah snorted behind them. "Not yet, anyway."

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