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Camila sat on her porch, a banana in her left hand and her phone in the other. She glanced up every time a car went by, waiting anxiously for one to turn and pull into her driveway.

Her parents and sister were off at some craft fair, as per Camila's request to have the house to herself. Her family knew about Lauren, the new addition to her friend group, and they'd allowed her to have the house to herself so she could finally hang out with her in person (without Sofi bothering the two, but nobody had specifically brought up that elephant in the room).

A shiny silver car pulled up in front of Camila's driveway, the raven haired girl climbing out of the passenger's side and leaning back in to talk to the driver. Camila had yet to get a glimpse of her face, as the girl spoke to whom Camila assumed was her dad. However, she had a very clear view of her ass, which she admired in the meantime. Damn, Camila bit her lip in thought, I've only seen her from the waist up before. I've been missin' out...

Camila glanced up quickly when Lauren turned around, nervously making eye contact. Shit... did she catch me? Just play it cool, Camila, play it cool...

Lauren waved to her dad as he drove off, pulling a small backpack up onto her shoulders and walking up the driveway. Camila stood from her spot on the porch, smiling at Lauren as she made her way up the front steps.

"You're.. even more beautiful in person." Lauren stammered, a smile set on her face. Camila blushed, rubbing her arm nervously and motioning to Lauren.

"So are you, like... what the heck?" Camila struggled to find the right words. "I wish I'd know that you were gonna look this good, otherwise I wouldn't have put on sweats and this shirt.."

"Are you kidding?" Lauren was baffled. "I love The 1975. And you look adorable in sweats."

"So how was your drive?" Camila changed the direction of the conversation as she opened the door, trying desperately to hide her blush.

"Oh, we took a bus. It sucked." Lauren complained. "Nobody warns you how uncomfortable those seats are."

Camila shrugged. "I usually just hog an entire row and lie across them."

"Lucky bitch." Lauren joked. "That bus was so full, my dad and I barely almost got seats. I was squished between some old dude and a pregnant woman. We couldn't get seats together."

"Oh. Yeah. I never ride on Saturdays, it's always hectic." Camila noted.

Lauren moved in through the hallway into the living room, where she plopped down onto the couch and carefully set her bag down. "So this is where you live." Lauren observed, wedged between two pillows. She looked cute, all sprawled out and comfortable. It made Camila smile.

"Yep." She replied, popping the p. "I hope Ally didn't see you come in. That hoe is always watching from her window." Lauren let out a loud laugh, picking herself up so she was sitting properly on the couch.

"What's on the agenda?"

"Well..." Camila moved around to the curtains on Lauren's left. With one smooth tug they were open, light filling the room. A beautiful view of the private beach behind their house became visible, Lauren's eyes widening in surprise. "Did you bring a swim suit?"


Allysus has added Finah and ManiBear*

Allysus: guys 👀👀👀👀👀

Finah: what?

ManiBear: u hoe i was taking a nap

Finah: mani u know damn well u were eating a shit ton of chicken wings

Allysus: MANI!! i thought u were taking a break from buffalo wild wings

Finah: ^^^

Finah: remember, they screwed up ur order last time and u were pissed

ManiBear: ........... forgive and forget

ManiBear: ally boo what did u want

Finah: smh changin the topic 👀👀👀 i see u

Allysus: anyway

Allysus: i saw mila go outside while i was makin cookies and i thought "hey, maybe i should join her"

Allysus: but then,,,, i saw another hoe walk outside behind her

Allysus: and they were HOLDING HANDS

Allysus: and they shared a towel

Allysus: u know what this means..

Finah: CAMREN IS DEAD?? 😭😭😭😭😭

Allysus: i was gonna say camila found herself another hoe but that works too

ManiBear: i stg

ManiBear: go over there and slap some sense into her

Finah: 😭😭😭 ITS TOO LATE

Allysus: im not gonna go over there

Allysus: we'll just have to confront her tomorrow

Finah: this is the worst thing to happen since trump came into office


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