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alright kiddos, this is the end of HMU! it's been super fun writing this and seeing all of your reactions to each of the chapters!

DO NOT FRET, THERE IS A SEQUAL. it's called LMS and it's up and posted!

so what did ya'll think of it overall? anything you would've changed? anything that stuck in your mind from any point in the story that you liked?

when i started writing this i truly didn't intend for it to be anything serious that i really put that much effort into. it was just meant to be something i posted while i worked on other stuff... but as time went on i started to love it more and i looked forward to writing it, and then i started a note in my note's app for it that at one point had so many ideas it was over 2000 words... i got super invested in this lmao and i'm glad ya'll like it cause i'm kinda proud of myself.

thank you guys for supporting me and this story, it means a lot. i can't tell you the amount of times i've had a crappy day and i've gone to one of the particularly Wild chapters to read your comments and it brought my mood up... so yeah haha thank you ❤️

lmao get ready for me promoting myself:

follow me on twitter @clexylexy

and add me on snapchat if you wanna see pictures of my dog (and also sometimes i share stuff about my stories that's pretty exclusive to only snapchat unless you're fawxhawk21 and Emisonislifee lmao love you katie and jasmine ❤️) @clexylexy

((also if you didn't see for some reason I'M WORKING ON A FIC WITH THOSE TWO CALLED CATALYST! it's an Orange Is The New Black based camren fic and it is I N S A N E. check it out.))

the ride has been wild, love ya'll ❤️

- sarah

edited 12/26/17

HMU Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя