one hundred one

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"Come back."

(chuckling) "I'm sorry, baby. Ally's been nagging me about college and all the money she was wasting missing the last two days."

"She's a big meanie pants, then."

"I can hear you pouting through the phone, and while it's insanely adorable, it's already too late. We just pulled into Ally's driveway."


"Aw.. I'll call you everyday to check up on you. When will you be able to text again?"

"I dunno.. My momma almost didn't let me pick up the phone to call you, even though I assured her I'd only be glancing at the screen for a second to hit the call button."

"Do you still get the headaches when you look at screens too long?"


"I'll have to get the girls together sometime this week so we can all call you together."


(giggles) "You're adorable."

"I miss you, you were the only thing entertaining me."

"Where's Lucy?"

"At stupid work."

"Hm.. Wait for her to get back?"

"That's three whole hours from now."

"Your family has a pool. Go tan your pasty skin."

"...I don't care how accurate that is, you still better rephrase it."

"Oh my... fine, go tan your fair and unendingly beautiful skin."

"That's what I thought."

"Oh, hush."

"Hi, Laurie! Kaki, tell her Sofi says hi!"

"Did you hear that?"

(laughs) "Yeah. Hi, Sof!"

"Can I talk to Laurie, Kaki?"

"Sure. Here's Sofi."

"Hi Laurie!"

"Hey, Sofi. How are you?"

"I'm good, Kaki told me about your accident. Did it hurt?"


"What? I—"

"Let's just say I wouldn't recommend getting into a car accident."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bring it up. I'm glad you're okay, though. You make Kaki really happy, and I like seeing my Kaki happy. If something had happened to you, she would be very sad, and I don't like it when she's sad. She always talks about you and she loves you so much, I hope I'll find someone that loves me as much as—"

"Okay, Sof, that's enough."


"Go set up the DVD player so we can watch High School Musical, okay?"


"...I'm sorry, she can be annoying sometimes..."

"She isn't annoying, that was adorable."


"You love me that much, huh?"

"Shut up, you know I love you. I can hear teasing in your voice, jerk."

"You lo-ove me!"

"I will hang up—"

"No! I'm sorry, baby. If it makes it any better, I love you that much too. If not more."

"Aw, I love you too, Lolo."

"...So, High School Musical, huh?"


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