eighty seven

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Allysus has added Sydney*

Allysus: you're like.. wow, oh my god

Allysus: i don't even know how to start a conversation other than saying that you're like.. really beautiful

Sydney: thank you random stranger? haha

Allysus: oh, right

Allysus: yes that would've been a good way to start

Allysus: i'm ally

Sydney: oh! omg

Sydney: hey!

Sydney: lol, does it sound desperate if i start off by saying i've been kind of awaiting your text?

Sydney: it probably sounds desperate

Sydney: just ignore me, i'm stupid

Allysus: aw, no

Allysus: you're like.. so cute

Allysus: and really hot at the same time like 👌👌

Allysus: laur showed me a picture of you

Allysus: i was so intimidated, i thought you were totally out of my league. like, you're just so incredibly beautiful? i've legit only seen one picture and it has me so shook

Sydney: aW that's really sweet

Sydney: lauren warned me you were overly nice, haha

Sydney: i could use someone who's overly nice

Allysus: i'm just honest

Sydney: well then, you must be very positive

Sydney: not gonna lie, i was scared you weren't gonna message me

Sydney: i thought i'd missed out on at least gaining a new friend

Allysus: i'm always up for a new friend

Sydney: good, i think that's a good place to start

Sydney: so, friend, why don't you tell me a little more about yourself?

Allysus: i would love to


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