one hundred fifty seven

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Mila has added Finah*

Mila: dinahhh

Finah: whatttt

Mila: i'm bored and lauren is brooding

Finah: shouldn't you be comforting her instead of being rude and texting?

Mila: i tried but she snapped at me and said she didn't want to talk to anyone

Mila: it's so awkward, taylor is in the back seat with her headphones in so it's technically just me and lauren

Finah: try to talk to her. be persistent. stop texting me.

Mila: mmm.....i just don't want to make her mad

Finah: you're dating, you're going to make each other mad

Finah: lauren wanted you to go back with her to see chris because she needs you. just cause she's in a bad mood right now doesn't mean you can't turn it around. now stop. texting. me. and talk to lauren.

Mila: you're right, thanks d

Finah: *sighs* i swear sometimes i'm the only thing that can hold camren together


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