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The next day was anything but normal. I made my way into the school, and everyone was looking at me. I put my head down. "Emilee, why is everyone looking at me?" I asked.

"Hmm. I don't know. Maybe it's because you slapped the heck out of Ridge McCain yesterday," she replied sarcastically.

"Sunshine," a familiar voice said as Emilee and I walked into homeroom. I groaned when I saw Ridge sitting on my desk.

"What do you want?" I snapped, taking my seat despite him sitting on it.

He leaned in close to my face, and I felt Emilee's eyes on me. "You and I have some business to finish," Ridge said.

"No, we don't. Now, get your filthy butt off my desk and leave me alone, okay?" I said.

He poked my nose. "You're one demanding, little girl, aren't you?"

I stood up and then shoved him off of my desk. He fell into the floor, and the whole class erupted into laughter. I sat back down then leaned over it. "Word of advice, Ridge. Never call me little, and never ever touch me."

Ridge looked furious. "You're going to pay for that," he said, standing up. "Just wait."

I rolled my eyes. "I'm so scared."

He crossed the room and sat in his seat, but not before glaring at me once more. I smiled and winked at him. He looked away, and Emilee caught my eye. She gave me a thumbs up and pointed to her phone.

She had got it on video.
I made my way out to the courtyard for lunch like always, and I took my usual seat. I opened my book, hoping to get lost in Jace and Clary's adventures once again.

Then, a shadow towered over me. I groaned and looked up. Ridge stood there, grinning like an idiot. "Hello, sunshine," He said, sitting down in front of me.

"Ugh, what do you want?" I asked, picking up my chicken sandwich.

"To bug you."

"Well, you've succeeded. Now, go away," I said, looking down at my book.

Ridge laughed, "Whatcha reading?"

"City of Heavenly Fire," I replied.

"The Mortal Instruments. Ah, that's a good series from what my sister says," Ridge said.

I shut my book. "Dude, what do you want? Money? I have ten dollars."

He smirked. "I don't want your money, sunshine."

"Then, what do you want, McCain?" I asked.

"Wow, last name basis, are we?" Ridge said. "Well, Sawyer, I want you to come to party with me."

I couldn't help it. I laughed. Ridge shrugged. "I'm serious, Sawyer," he said.

I stopped laughing. "You want me to come to a party with you?" I asked.

He nodded. "That's what I said."

"You just met me yesterday," I replied.

Ridge shrugged again. "So?"

I shook my head. "My answer is no."

Ridge groaned, "Come on, Braelyn. Don't be like that."

I opened my bottle of tea and took a sip. "My answer is no, McCain," I said.

He grabbed my chicken sandwich and took a bite then sat it back on my tray. "You could a disease!" I exclaimed.

Ridge winked. "The only disease I have is hotness."

He tried to grab my tea, but I slapped his hand. "You're so full of yourself," I said.

Ridge smiled. "You know, if you weren't so stuck up, I might think you were pretty cool."

"And if you weren't such a jerk, I might not hate you."

"Touché, Sawyer. Touché," he said then stood up. He bowed at the waist. "Until next time."

"What makes you think there will be a next time?" I asked.

Ridge straightened up. "There is always a next time, Sawyer."

And with that, he walked away.
I found myself later that day in Emilee's room. My head was in her lap, my feet were on Marcus' legs, despite his protests.

"He's never going to leave me alone, is he?" I groaned.

Emilee laughed, "Do you want me to be honest or lie to you?"


"Yes, he definitely will leave you alone."

I groaned, "He's soannoying."

Marcus chuckled, "Well, to be fair you did start this by slapping him." I kicked him in the knee. "Ow!"

"Ridge started this by kissing me without my permission."

Emilee laughed, "When you think about it, it's not that bad."

I sat up, sliding my feet off of Marcus. "What do you mean?" I asked.

"You have had your first kiss in almost year by the hottest guy in the school," Emilee said.

"I'm right here, babe," Marcus said.

"I know," Emilee said, smiling. She returned her attention on me. "But if you really want to get him to leave you alone, do something to get him back."

I smiled. "Like what?" I asked.

"Embarrass him."


"I don't know, but we'll figure out something."

Marcus groaned, "Whatever it is. I don't want in it."

"Too late," Emilee said. "You know we're up to something. I can't have you telling anyone."

"Oh, great."

I laughed, "Ok, well, I'm going home to brainstorm. You two have fun, but not too much."

"No promises," Marcus said, winking.

"Gag me," I said, walking out of her room.

It Started with a Dare Where stories live. Discover now