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Song: Sad Song by We The Kings. You can listen to it for this chapter if you want.
I went into the kitchen to grab a drink. "Hey, Braelyn," Xavier greeted, handing me a drink.

"Hey, Xavier," I said, taking it. "Have you seen Jared?"

"I thought I saw him go upstairs a few minutes ago," he replied.

I smiled. "Okay, thanks," I said then made my way upstairs. I opened the first door I came to, breaking up a make out session. I mumbled a quick 'sorry' then headed to the next room.

I opened the door, and a familiar pair of brown eyes looked up. "Jared?" I gasped. The girl on his lap, who he was making out with, turned.

Wren smiled wickedly, and Jared looked surprised but not remorseful. I stormed out of the room. "Braelyn, wait!"

Tears blurred my vision, and a hand grabbed my arm, spinning me around. "Listen!" Jared hissed.

"How could you do that?" I screamed, making everyone go silent.

Jared looked around the room then smirked. "What? Did you really believe that I could be faithful, Brae?" he asked. "You would be stupid to think that."

Tears poured down my face. "I been meaning to break it off by the way. I can't be with a nobody like yourself."

I sobbed, "I thought-"

"You thought what? That I would actually be your picture perfect boyfriend? That I could be with someone like you. Let's face it, Braelyn. We were never going to work out."

My heart shattered as the words rumbled out of his mouth. How could he be saying this? This wasn't the Jared I knew. Then, it dawned on me. I was just another notch on his belt.

I wiped my tears then pushed my way through the people, who were smirking and laughing. I walked all the way home, and when I got there, Kyle held me while I cried myself to sleep.
×××××× End of Flashback××××××
I stared at my ceiling, memories running through my head. I still couldn't believe he was back. After almost a year, he came back. The boy who shattered my heart in front of my eyes had came back.

I reached over and grabbed a shoe box from underneath my bed. I took the lid off and was greeted by a picture. A picture of Jared and me, kissing. It was our first date at Disney World. Both of us had mouse ears on, and the fireworks lit up the sky behind us.

I know what you all are thinking. Why would I still have pictures of my ex? Well, because I loved him. God, I loved him so much. I had never met someone like him. Then, he ruined it all.

Tears fell down my cheeks. Then, there was a knock on the door. I put the picture and box under my bed hurriedly then wiped my tears. "Come in," I said, trying to steady my voice.

The door opened. "Hey," Nathan said, popping his head in.

I forced a smile. "Hey."

"Can I come in?" he asked. I nodded, and he walked in, shutting the door behind him. "So, I heard about Jared."

"Yeah," I replied.

"Braelyn, I'm sorry," Nathan said.

I let out a breath. "For what?" I asked.

He gave me a flat look and walked over to me, taking a seat beside me. "He shouldn't have come back."

"I know, but he is. I don't care. I'm over him, Nathan. He was-is- a jerk. I'm just going to ignore him," I said.

Nathan wrapped an arm around my shoulders and pulled me to his chest, reminding me of a nicer Nathan. "I'm here if you need me to kick his-"

"I gotcha, Nathan," I laughed.

He kissed the side of my head. "I know you and I have not been on the best of terms, but you're still my little sister. Remeber that," he said.

I smiled. "I will, Natey," I said.

"You haven't called me that in years," he chuckled.

"I know."

"I love you, little sis," Nathan mumbled.

"I love you, too, big bro," I replied.

Nathan leaned away and grinned at me. "How about pizza and a movie?" he asked.

"As long as it is supreme pizza and a scary movie."

"Deal," Nathan smiled.

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