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The next two weeks or so went by quickly. Ridge and I hung out and talked every chance we got. Emilee wouldn't shut up about how cute we were.

Take today, for example. She met me by my locker. "How are you and Ridge?" was the first thing she asked.

"Will you drop the Ridge and me thing? That seems like the only thing you worry about now and days," I laughed, pulling out my books.

"Beacuse you guys are so perfect for each other!" she said.

I rolled my eyes. "Okay, Em," I said.

"Have you told him that you loved him yet?" she asked, catching me off guard.

I looked at her. "What? No. Emilee, we've been dating for only two weeks," I replied.

"Three weeks to be exact. Where is your lover boy at today anyway?" Emilee asked.

I chewed on the inside of my cheek. "I don't know. He said that he would be here today," I told her.

"Hello, ladies," a familiar voice said.

"Found him," I laughed. Ridge wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed the side of my head.

"Hey, baby. Sorry I'm a little late," he said.

I rolled my eyes. "You're fine," I said.

"I know," He said, and I elbowed him.

"You know what I meant," I replied.

Emilee laughed, "I'll leave you love birds to it while I go find my idiot." She nudged me and made her way past me.

Ridge took her place, leaning against the lockers. "So, do you have any plans tonight?" he asked.

I thought for a moment then shut my locker. "Nope. Why?" I asked.

"Well, there's this party tonight, and I wanted you to come," He said. "What do you say?"

I shook my head. "I don't do parties, Ridge. It's my brothers' scene, not mine," I replied.

"Come on, babe. It's a party! You have to loosen up a bit," he replied.

I groaned, "Ridge, you don't get it."

"Don't get what?"

"I don't like parties," I said, thinking back to the last one I went to. It was the night Jared and I broke up. He humiliated me in front of everyone.

"I'll be there. Nothing will happen. Pretty please?" Ridge asked, poking his lip out.

I sighed, "Fine." I really needed to get a handle on my emotions. I couldn't resist his pout. I really couldn't.

He kissed me. "I'll pick you up at eight. Now, let's get to class," he said.
I stood in my bedroom, skyping Emilee. "I don't know what to wear!" I groaned, staring at the clothes in my closet.

"We both know you don't have any skirts or dresses," Emilee said. "So, how about cute jeans?"

I pulled out a pair of black, leather skinny jeans and a pair of ripped, red ones. "Which one?" I asked.

"Ooh, the black ones are sexy. Where those," she said. "What about tank tops? Cute ones."

I sighed and pulled out a bright, red one. She shook her head, and I grabbed a blue one that had ruffles. Emilee once again shook her head.

About ten minutes later, we found one. It was a maroon blouse that had no sleeves and a small black pocket in the front. The back was cut out, a bow in between the shoulder blades, which would cover my bra strap. I forgot I even had it.

"Dude, you're going to look so hot!" Emilee gushed as I brought out my black booties.

I took off my shirt and pulled on the blouse. "Babe, you don't need to give me a strip show over Skype," Emilee said with a wink.

I rolled my eyes and changed into my jeans. "So far, so good?" I asked as I buttoned my jeans.

"Yes, Braelyn. I don't see why you intend on dressing like a guy when you have clothes like that that make you this," Emilee said.

"Because I'm too lazy to put effort into my clothes in the morning," I said.

"Good point," she said.

I took my glasses off and put my contacts in. "Thank you."

"I'm going to get ready. See you at the party," Emilee said.

"Okay," I said then the call ended. I shut my laptop then went into the bathroom to do my hair and makeup. When I finished, I slid on my bracelets and put in some earrings. Then, I grabbed my clutch, placing my phone, wallet, and my lip gloss in it.

That's when the doorbell rang. I hurried downstairs, where I found Nathan talking to Ridge. "So, you guys are going to Graham's party tonight?" Nathan asked.

"Yep, so bye!" I said, patting Nathan on the shoulder. He grabbed my elbow.

"I'll be at the party shortly," he said.

I raised an eyebrow. "Why are you going?" I asked.

"Because it's a party," Nathan said.

I rolled my eyes. "Fine," I said then grabbed Ridge's hand. The front door shut, and Ridge smiled.

"You look stunning," he said.

"Why, thank you," I said. Ridge opened my door, and I got in. He shut it, and went to his side and got in.

"Ready?" he asked, fastening his seatbelt.

"You know it."

Braelyn's outfit

Braelyn's outfit

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