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I opened my eyes, the sunlight shining bright through my curtains. I looked at my clock, and it was almost nine. I groaned. It was Saturday, and I couldn't even sleep in.

I let out a sigh and threw my covers back then sat up. I put my face in my hands, rubbing my face, before stumbling down the hall to the bathroom. When I did my business and came out, the doorbell rang.

I made my way downstairs, yelling, "I'm coming!" I opened the door and almost gasped.

"Hello, Sunshine," Ridge said with a smile.

I groaned, "What the heck are you doing here, Ridge?"

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning," Ridge replied.

Scowling, I asked, "How did you know where I lived?"

"I asked about your brothers," Ridge answered.

"Braelyn, who's at the-"

I looked at Kyle. "No one, Kyle."

"Ridge McCain," Kyle said with a smile. Kyle looked at me, eyebrows raised. "I'll leave you two to it."

He disappeared into the kitchen without a single word. I glared at Ridge. "Great. Now, he thinks we are dating."

Ridge smiled. "Well, not yet."

I glared. "Not ever, McCain."

He put his hands up. "Okay, Sawyer. Whatever you say."

"Why are you here?" I asked.

"We're going out for ice cream," Ridge said.

I clicked my tongue. "Says who?"

He smiled. "Emilee Harding."

I narrowed my eyes. "You're lying."

He shook his head. "No, I'm not. Go get dressed."

I glared. "Fine," I seethed.
I stared out the window of Ridge's truck, ignoring the music playing in the background.

"You really don't like me, do you?" He asked.

"What was your first clue?" I asked.

"Your terrible attitude," Ridge said. "I'm not a bad guy when you get to know me."

"I have a hard time believing that, Ridge," I said.

"Give me an hour, and I'll prove it to you," Ridge said.

I bit my lip, considering it. After a few minutes, I nodded. "An hour is all you get, McCain," I
told him.

He nodded. "Okay, Sawyer," he said as we pulled into the parking lot of the ice cream shop. "An hour."

We got out of the truck then made our way into the shop. "What would you like?" Ridge asked me.

"Rocky Road," I said.

"I was going to get the same thing. Lookie there. We're bonding!" Ridge said.

I rolled my eyes. "I'm going to sit at one of the booths," I said.

"Am I that embarrassing?" Ridge asked with a grin.

"Yes," I said then walked away. I took a seat at one of the booths near the window. I looked outside, and I felt a pang. Sadness.

My mother used to take my brothers and me to this ice cream shop when we were little. I swallowed a lump that formed in my throat and forced my eyes away from the window.

"What's that sad look on your face?" Ridge asked.

I looked up as he handed me an ice cream cone. "I was just thinking."

"About what?" Ridge asked.

"My mom," I admitted, licking my ice cream.

Ridge nodded. "So, what's the deal with her? I've never see her with you and your brothers like ever," he replied.

"She's in the army. Active duty in Iraq," I said. "She hasn't been home in three years, but she FaceTimes us every once in a while."

"Wow, that sucks," Ridge said. "What about your dad?"

"I never met him. He died when my mom was pregnant with me."

"Wow," he said.

I nodded. "Yep, but enough about me. What's up with you, McCain? Why do you seem so interested in me all the sudden?"

He licked his ice cream. "I told you already. You spark my interest."

"Yeah, but why?"

"Well, to most girls, I'm irresistible," he said. I snorted at that. He ignored me and continued, "But with you, it's different. I was dared to kiss you, and I thought you would be glad that I fulfilled your fantasy."

I snorted once again.

"But instead, you slapped me," Ridge said with a grin. "That is what sparked my interest. You have guts, Sawyer, and I'm not really sure how I feel about that."

I shrugged. "If you recall, I have three older brothers. You tend to grow some courage over the years," I replied.

He nodded. "I see that."

"So, what's your back story, McCain? What made you grow so cocky?"

"Well, my mom was a model, and my dad was every woman's dream; he was a big time director. Both of parents didn't have a shred of fear of judgement. They knew what they looked like and acted like. They were confident people."

"What happened to them?" I asked.

Ridge shrugged. "I don't know. They gave me up for adoption when I was twelve," He said.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be. It didn't bother me. Kristine and Martin are great parents. Couldn't ask for better ones," he said, licking his ice cream.

"Do you ever miss them? Your parents, I mean?"

"To be honest, no, I don't."

"Why not?"

Ridge grinned. "Look who's trying to figure out my life story in one day. Am I that interesting, sunshine?"

I shrugged. "You tell me, McCain."

He grinned. "Touché."

I smiled a real smile. Maybe Ridge McCain wasn't so bad after all.

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