Chapter 35 - Xander

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Thirty-three days before....

The disgusted feeling in the pit of my stomach didn't get any better with the addition of newly formed stomach ulcers.

They went right back to testing and dissecting. I haven't seen Balcom in a while, but Byligan came in a few hours after Terra left that night. He wanted to know why I told Terra everything that I did, and I didn't really say much. I didn't want to talk to him, especially now that I had a lot of books to read. It's honestly amazing how so many books can be written on just the human body alone. I feel like with all of my reading, I could be admitted into medical school.

I had to laugh at the thought. Me in medical school. I would be a doctor.

Like Balcom. That thought didn't sit well in my messed up stomach, so I abandoned it and immersed myself more in my reading.

After Byligan left that night, I sat on my bed for the first time after I woke up in it. I sank into the mattress and the blankets caressed me as if they were calling to me, wanting to pull me into the bed and cover me. I slept on the floor that night.

A couple days later (or at least what feels like a couple days after I talked to Terra), my stomach had healed itself. I feel better and so distracted with the books that I almost forgot how hungry I was.

I feel pure happiness in my bones as the crane came down and dropped the metal box next to the bed.

I stand back and scratch my head. This might not work, eating next to the bed. Maybe if I just move the box to the side....

After kicking the box to the other side of the room, I feed in peace. I also make an effort to not be messy. Terra got all of this stuff for me, it would be rude to get blood on everything.

I haven't felt this content in a long time. Even though my head is swarming with questions and feelings are pressing down on my body with all of the things that I want to do, I feel pretty good. I finally have someone to talk to, and not just Byligan. I have books--lots of books. I'll be reading for a while. Maybe I can even talk Terra into getting a few more....

And as if my thoughts summoned her, she walks into the Observation room.

As soon as I make sight of her, I run with the metal box behind the bed, out of view.

"Xander?" I heard her ask softly.

I didn't say anything since my mouth was full. Fuck! I just have the heart and lungs left....

I peek over the bed so fast that she doesn't see me.

Shit! Maybe after she leaves....

"Where are you--?"

"Right here, princess," I muse and start walking away from the wall like I had been standing there the whole time.

"Oh," she sighs. Her face was pink and she looks flustered, like she was just running or did something embarrassing.

"What can I do you for?"

"Have you seen Agent Byligan since last Thursday?" she asks as she pulls folders and notebooks out of her bag.

"Ah...." I scratch my head and look around, genuinely not knowing. "I few days after that, I think."

"Did he say anything about me?"

"What would he say about you?"

"Nothing. He just keeps disappearing on me and I need to talk to him about all of this," she responds and looks through the papers in the folder and files.

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