Chapter 59 - Xander

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Four days before....

He told me that he was going to come up with a filler document as to what I would write. He asked me if I wanted to say anything specifically in the fake document, and I told him to humor me. I would probably never see it, as it would go straight to Balcom and hidden under lock and key of the government's Project X files. I was fine with it.

But, as I sat chained and restrained in a chair in front of a computer in a lab, I felt that I was suddenly without words. There was so much that I wanted to say about Project X, and I trusted Agent Byligan that he would hide this document so that no other eyes would look upon it, so I had no excuse to hold myself back.

I wanted to write profanities and disgusting threats, but this letter wasn't going to anyone other than someone I cared about.

With my arms restrained to the point where my hands could only reach the keyboard, and under heavy sedation, I took a deep breath. I only had about ten minutes, so whatever I wanted to say had to be written quickly. Starting to type slowly on the keyboard, I wrote.

Dear Terra.....

When I was done, he filled me up with more sedatives and wheeled me back to the Pit himself. I felt a little more at peace with myself, but still uncomfortable and agitated. I wished that I could have said all of that to her face. But there was a possibility of my inability to escape in the four days. I knew a lot about my body--even moreso after the captivity and experimentation--but I didn't know all. Could I survive a bomb? I didn't know, so I had to make my remaining four days worth while.

As he was bringing me down the elevator, I groaned in my delirium, "Make sure you tell her to contact a man named Rune Tymek. He owns the phone number that I wrote down for you. He.... He can help her. Documents and passports and licences. Tell her to cover Damian, too."

"I will," he grumbled.

I nodded slowly. The control of my body was slipping out of my grasp, but I needed to finish speaking. "Mention the name 'Cheveyo.' Tell her to mention 'Cheveyo,' okay?" The forbidden word felt like acid as it rolled off my tongue. I had denied myself all thought of that word--of that name--since I was captured.


"Tell me the name," I panted. My head was getting full but I couldn't let the medicine pull me in yet. "Repeat it."

"Cheveyo." For some odd reason, I didn't feel anger when he spoke it.

I smiled and coughed. "Good. See you on the other side."

"And where is she now?"

"She's heading home. Now that both of you know, I'm going to be doing the same. Damian, turn the security back on. I'll be working with my team to ensure your utmost safety through at least the next week."

"What about after?" Damian asked, his voice shaking.

I rolled my eyes. This event really helped show his true colors.

"After?" Agent Byligan sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "After is uncertain. We'll know more tomorrow. Xander, I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to knock you out now. I proposed the test that you had in mind to Dr. Balcom and he approved it."

"Good," I answered sternly, nodding. I wasn't looking forward to the bullets, but this needed to get done.

"You can write whatever you please, just no funny business."

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