Chapter 66 - Terra

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The United States District of Health and Medicine's Project X Masquerade Ball

My neck and skull were so stiff.

It made me think about the long car rides my grandparents and I would go on when they would want to go on vacation. I didn't like the drive very much, but I liked being with them. They always made me feel so happy, even when I was stuck in a car with them for hours.

Car rides with my grandparents were the many things that I dreamt of. Though thinking of them in a car with me would be the last dream I would have.

My lungs felt deflated, and I felt so dizzy. I just wanted to pass out, but I also wanted to breathe. I just wanted to swallow the air like water, but I couldn't get enough in my lungs. My body felt weak, I felt like I was dying.

But it started to wear off as I tried to move my body around. Though it was hard to. I felt like a prisoner in my own body; I could barely move an inch. I felt like I was sitting down, but I couldn't tell completely. A white noise was filling my ears.

My heart started beating out of control, and I looked down to realize that I was strapped down in a large metal chair. My vision was blurred, but I was starting to come to as my body began to panic. Under my fingers were large indents in the metal--similar to claw marks--and chunks were missing on the edge of the arm of the chair. It was so uncomfortable, I just wanted to stand and stretch. To elongate my lungs so that they would finally fill with air. But my body was strapped to this broken metal chair.

Where the hell am I?!

The room was dark, and all I could see was grey flooring and a light from above me.

Suddenly, the entire room lit up. I closed my eyes for a moment, cowering and facing downward. I moved the muscles in my face and realized that I had my mask on.

After a moment of regaining my breath and finally being able to see clearly, and the white noise started to go away. I was warm--unnecessarily warm. A bead of sweat formed on the end of my nose and trapped itself under my mask. Why the hell is it so warm?

I blinked and looked at my surroundings.

I was still in my dress, too. A black lanyard was around my neck, but I couldn't see what was on the card that hung on it--it was trapped under the metal restraints. I wiggled around, trying to get free. Panic started to rise within me. Where the fuck am I?!

That's when I looked up and saw what was right in front of me.

Elevator doors with almost a hundred bullet indents in them. Above the doors was a large clock.

I looked to my left and saw a black mirror, and my right side had the same mirror. The room was cylindrical, and tall. A few hundred feet tall. Machine guns lined the top of the room.

Oh, my God. Oh, no. Oh, my fucking God. I'm in the Pit.

"No, no, no, no," I started to whisper to myself as I pulled uselessly at the restraints. "Fuck," I cursed silently under my breath as I struggled to get free. My muscles were no match under the thick metal.

I panted. "Help!" I cried out. "Someone, please help!" I couldn't help it. I started crying immediately. "!" I shoved and moved and struggled but the restraints wouldn't let me go. I grunted and cried and screamed.

Then, I heard it.

The ticking.

Tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock....

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