Chapter 54 - Terra

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Ten days before....

I woke up suddenly.

I ran a hand through my cold, wet hair and listened to my heart pump in my body.  The bass of the beat clogged my ears and made me think that I was dying.  I sat for a moment and tried to control my breathing, realizing that I was alive.

I quickly ran to my lamp and turned it on, illuminating the pitch black room with a soft yellow.  There was no one there, and the house was completely silent.

I stood for another few minutes and surveyed every corner of the room while I stood next to the safe lamp.  I couldn't believe that I had been completely alone for two weeks, but with the events that had occurred over the past week, I was starting to grow restless.  I felt as though anyone could enter my house at any time now, and I was almost scared to venture downstairs after the sun set.  Living in restlessness, I realized that my home no longer felt like my home.  I didn't even feel safe within my own walls.

Grabbing my phone and quickly hitting speed dial, I sank to the ground and held my knees to my chest.

She answered on the third ring.

"Hello?" she croaked.

Her voice made my heart skip a beat.

"Flora Mae," I almost cried, keeping my head up in case someone or something ventured through the closed door of my bedroom.

"Terra," she responded, then cleared her throat.  "What's up?  What is it?"

"I really need to ask you for a huge favor.  I need you," I whispered.  My heart felt heavy, and the cold of my bedroom started to nip at my hands and ankles.

At around noon, the last suitcase was in my bedroom.

"Thank you," I mumbled as I set it down next to my desk chair.

Flora Mae walked into my room with a large black duffel bag slung over her shoulder.  "No problem.  I'm just glad my parents were okay with it."

"It will only be for a couple weeks," I rushed out.  "My grandparents should be home then."

She nodded and sat slowly down on my bed.  There was a sort of haunted look in her eyes, and she wasn't like her normal self.  Something had changed within her, and I knew that  I was the reason for it.

"I will try to tell you as much as possible," I started, but she suddenly cut me off.

Her hazel eyes glared at me, as if she were waiting for me to say something.  "You better.  I want to know why the army was at your house," she sputtered harshly.

I look down at my open hands.  How much should I tell her?

"Well....  You know I can't tell you everything--"

"Goddammit, Terra!" she suddenly cried, aggravated, looking so helpless on my bed.  "What could be so secret?  There's nothing going on in this internship that could be so secretive that you can't tell me!  You're lying to me."

My heart thumped in my chest and I shook my head vigorously.  My best friend, my sister, was assuming that I was lying to her.  I had every intention on keeping her safe and unaware as possible, but she wouldn't understand that.  No matter how many attempts at explaining could have her really understand why she was kept so uninformed.  The only way she truly could see through my eyes was if I explained the entire situation to her, and gave her all knowledge that I had, but that would be breaking the agreement Project X put into place.  I could be tried for treason and jailed.  I couldn't tell my family or best friend anything, and it wasn't just for my safety--it was for theirs.

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