Chapter 47 - Xander

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Eighteen days before....

The general stepped forward and grabbed me by the arm. "Sedate him," he called to the others. "We need to disappear until the intruder leaves the premises."

I yanked my arm from his grasp. "I'm not going anywhere," I growled.

He smiled an old man smile, but it suddenly turned into one of a beaten soldier. "You don't have a choice, Experiment X."

I stepped away and gestured to the garage where Terra stood. "And who will watch her? You think that the visitor is going to take kindly to soldiers standing around Terra?"

He blinked up at me, about to speak, but I continued.

"I'm faster than you. I'm stronger than you. I can take down whoever comes in here. If it's her grandparents, I'm sure she can introduce me as one of her friends--" Even though the thought was unnerving. "--and then I can leave the house and you can take me back to the facility. Easy, and painless."

"You think we are going to leave you alone with one of our interns," he hissed, standing closer and glaring up at me. "Well, you're dead wrong."

"If I wanted to kill her, she would be dead already," I hissed back, leaning in. "And if I wanted to kill any of you, this house would be full of dead bodies. But is it?" I leaned back and looked at all of them in the face, angry but standing my ground and knowing my place. "This is your only option right now. Either that or let one of your men pose as her friend, but I doubt they could snap someone's neck as soon as they breathe too close to her."

He opened his mouth.

"Oh, no, wait. Let her act like she's having a frat party. Get the young guys to dress as college jock heads. I'm sure her grandparents would understand," I continued, playing with them now. "I'll go stand in the woods while you introduce her guest to the entire American military," I spat before turning on my heel and walking towards the back door of the house.

A path in the middle of the clump of soldiers and SWAT officers cleared, like Moses to the Red Sea. They all backed off in silence, holding their guns close to their bodies.

I heard a buzzing sound, almost like there was a quiet phone call going on behind me, or like someone is talking through an earpiece.


A smile played at my lips, but I denied it and turned around, raising my brows.

The old man shook his head slowly, leaning against the counter. "You can stay. But if you lay one finger on her, you'll be put down. I don't care who's in here." He started to walk towards the back door after walking through the cleared pathway of militant. "Everybody listen up! Clear the house now!" he yelled just as Terra entered quickly from the garage door. "Snipers, set up somewhere in the back yard. Make sure you can see him at all points! Everyone make yourselves completely invisible! If I can do so much as smell you, you're stripped of your ranking and are never allowed back at Project X! Now move!"

As if his words were the heed of God himself, every militant found their way out of the house and through the back door. They jogged through the backyard, avoiding the plants and water fountain, but all broke out into a full run as soon as they passed through the gate. Some hid behind the fence, but most disappeared into the treeline with the tanks.

I watched as silence rested upon the house, and I pulled my sleeves up to expose my arms and prepare for what came. This would be fun.

Terra spoke quickly all of a sudden, walking closer to me. "Where did they go?" she asked, her voice quiet and hushed.

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