Long Maroon: Cobra

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Name: Lavender
Age: 5
Cobra POV

I sat on a rock with my daughter on my lap, we had all stopped to rest in an old house and lavender wanted to watch the storm approach. 'damn this storms gonna hit hard.' I sighed, looking down at my giggling daughter. "Daddy said a bad word!" I raised an eyebrow, I wasn't speaking out loud as far as I knew. Then it clicked, I couldn't help the grin that crossed my face. "Come on kid, it's about to start raining." I piggy backed her inside and smirked at a surprisingly awake Midnight. "You owe me, she has my magic." Midnight and I made a bet a while back about what kind of magic she'd have, I knew it would be mine. "Prove it." I grinned and sat Lavender on an old couch, I turned to him. "Ask her a question and think about the answer."

Lavender POV

I sat on the couch watching my daddy talk to Midnight, soon he turned to me. "Midnight is going to ask you a question, I want you to focus on him and then answer." I nodded, turning to Midnight I waited for him. 'no way this kid will know the answer.' I raised an eyebrow and tilted my head, I didn't even see his lips move. Shrugging it off I focused on him, this was weird. "What's my real name?" I watched him give a creepy smile, I focused on him for a minute and then I heard him speak without moving his lips again. 'Macbeth'

Cobra POV

"Macbeth?" I grinned as Midnight paled, he definitely lost the bet. "Fine you win, next time we go out drinking I'll pay. " I loved being right, I sat beside my daughter as we listened to the storm outside.

Time skip 6 years
Lavender POV

My father and Midnight had gone out to a bar, he told me they'd be back by 9. Though once again he forgot I could hear his thoughts, so I knew he wouldn't be back until around 12. Putting on my black hoodie and some jeans I began to leave the latest safe house, there was a small town nearby that had an awesome looking clothing store. I had saved up 90 thousand jewel over the years, most of it from pick pocketing or bets. I snuck out of the house and made my way through the woods, it took maybe an hour for me to reach the town.

Time skip 3 hours
12 p.m.
Cobra POV

I had just got home and was tired, it was raining pretty hard outside. I began making my way to the room I shared with my daughter, opening the door my heart stopped. She wasn't there. Before I had the chance to panic I could faintly hear foot steps outside, followed by my daughter's voice. 'god that took longer than I expected, the rain can be really disorientating' suddenly the window opened, several bags being tossed in. I stood quietly in the shadows as she crawled through the window, her little scare really sobered me up. "Good he isn't back yet, I can hide everything." I could hear her giggle, her senses were so raw I guess the rain drowned out my heart beat.

Lavender POV

I stumbled a bit before grabbing the wall for support, the hard rain messed with my hearing and made me really dizzy. "Stupid rain." I pushed a bag under the bed and nearly fell again, though something grabbed me, the scent told me it was my father. 'shit...' he leaned over and shut the window, thankfully my senses started to clear up. "H-hey daddy... How long have you been here?" I was busted, there was no point in trying to lie now. "A bit, where have you been?" I could hear in his voice he was pissed, leaning down I grabbed the bag from under the bed. Sighing I handed him 2 of the 9 bags. "Your birthday is today so I snuck out to go shopping... I wanted it to be a surprise so I could give it to you later."

Cobra POV

Opening the bag I smiled a bit, she had got me a few new outfits and some kind of bracelet along with some other jewelry. The bracelet was more of an arm band, the metal creation would wrap from my wrist to my elbow, it was in the shape of the snake and was some kind of silver. The way it wrapped would let the head rest on the top of my hand, it had some kind of hinge on the jaw. "I figured it would be easier to travel if you had some more casual clothes... The snake can be filled with any kind of liquid, I figured you could use it for when you're low on magic. I got the others some new outfits too..." I looked at her for a moment, then I hugged her tightly. I know this must have cost her a lot. "Thanks baby girl, but don't scare me like that again. Now go put on something dry and get in bed." I chuckled as she smiled and grabbed some dry clothes from her duffle bag, I watched her go to the bathroom to change. I ended up crawling into my own bed, smiling to myself. 'this kids gonna be the death of me.'

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