Pastel Blue Fur: Happy

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                        Name: Hinata
                         Age: Egg

Happy sat happily inside Lucy's home, both Lucy and Natsu sitting on the bed. Carla was on a job with Wendy and it was Happy's turn to watch their egg, which looks similar to Happy's egg only the markings on it were a much lighter and creamier shade of blue. "I can't wait to see what comes out! Aren't you two excited!?" Happy had been this way since the egg appeared, both he and Carla were excited but guess who was the happier of the two is. "Yeah bud, I can't wait to see what it'll be!" Natsu had jumped up and cheered before kneeling down and gently touching the egg shell, Lucy leaned forward and looked closely at the egg. "What are you guys going to name it Happy?" Happy looked up at Lucy with a wide smile, he was beyond ecstatic. "If it's a girl we are naming it Hinata, it means "Sunny Place" and if it's a boy we are naming it Hiko which means "Prince". Carla chose the boy name." He giggled some to himself, his tail wrapped around the egg. Both Lucy and Natsu looked at him with a smile, for such a childish cat he was quite serious about protecting and caring for the egg. He never even brought it to the guild though when he did he left asked the Master to keep it in his office, most times though he'd leave it at Lucy's place. They both had confidence that Happy would be as great father, just like how they knew Carla would make a great mom.

              Time Skip: 1 month
              Age: Hatchling
Little Hinata was sitting in the middle of the table, everyone looked at her closely. She had just hatched and both Carla and happy were amazed, she was a solid blue but it was a much lighter and more pastel blue. She looked at her parents with warm brown eyes, making a soft squeak of happiness causing everyone to Aww at her.  Reedus of course was painting an image, one to be hung in the guild to mark the birth of what will be a new member. The little kitten reached out to her parents, both of which happily hugged her. Happy had just gotten back from a job when the egg had started to glow, if he hadn't been in such a hurry to get back to the guild he would have missed the hatching of his daughter. While Carla was happy and smiling, Happy was smiling while sobbing. Everyone knew he was happy about the situation so they said nothing and only watched with smiles, Mira soon came over and sat down a small bottle of milk for Carla to feed her and some fish for the parents. The guild of course had a huge celebration but it was much calmer, as they didn't want to disturb the new family to much.

                      Time skip: 5 years
                        Age: 5

Hinata smiled happily as she sat on the bar by Mira, surprisingly enough when Hinata became an official member she had taken to Laxus. He had accepted her, with urging from Mira and a secret longing to have his own little exceed. At the moment Laxus was in the bathroom, little Hinata was sipping on a tiny milkshake Mira had made for her. She had gotten to go on a lot of wild jobs with the Thunder Legion, but she always came back safe and sound thanks to Laxus. Much like how Carla has her bow and happy has his bag Hinata has her own little accessories. Her accessory was a little gift from Laxus, it was a silk collar with a bit of fur on it and a tiny bow on it it. She also had her own mini version of Laxus' jacket, even though he tried to hide it at first he loved having little Hinata and spoiled her whenever he could. Hinata smiled when she felt herself being lifted up, she knew it was Laxus just by the smell and giggled when he sat her on his shoulder. "You ready to head home for a bit squirt? The rest of the gang want to head back and get settled in." Hinata gave a happy not, Laxus and the Thunder Legion had moved into a large house with 5 bedrooms and the fifth was hers. She had been wanting to get home so she can finish decorating, her room was done and a starry night style. It was made to look like a night sky on a storming night, she had all kinds of pictures hung up and even had her own dresser that was full of different clothing items. Of course she also had a large box of toys and several different jewelry boxes, her favorite thing was her bed. Laxus had gotten it professionally made, it was in the shape of a race car and actually worked! He had gotten it made so that she could ride around the house when she was sick so that she could find someone to get her something, and he also thought it was adorable when she was feeling lazy and just rode around the house. When they finally got home she went to her room and began hanging up some more some more recent pictures, these being from a birthday party the weekend before. She had pictures with her parents, Laxus, team Natsu, the Thunder Legion. She had pictures with everyone, so her favorite was a painting. Reedus had painted her a picture, one of her and her parents though in this picture they were all drawn like tiny dragons. She was told later it was a joke on how Natsu thought Happy's egg was a dragon's egg, she was even shown the painting. It was the last thing she hung up, and it was hung above her bed. After a few hours Laxus took her back to the guild so she could greet her parents when they got home, she was happy and had missed them a lot. As soon as they entered the door she had flown to them and essentially tackled them in massive hug, Carla had learned to relax and simply laughed along with Happy as they hugged her back. Everyone simply smiled at them, even though Hinata was on a different team they still found it adorable to see how close-knit the little cat family was.

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