Curly Auburn: Reedus

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                         Name: Kali
                        Age: 10
Kali set at the bar, drawing happily in the magic sketch pad her dad got her. Anything she drew would come to life, of course they would be miniatures. Kali was incredibly artistic for her age, this was no surprise considering who her father is. "Hey Kali, could you draw a picture of Laxis and I?" Kali looked at Mira and smiled, nodding her head. Kelly was born mute but that never slowed her down, in fact if anything it gave her a boost as she conveyed her emotions through her art. Guild members would actually request paintings and pay her for them, everyone believe she would be a famous artist one day. Her father knew from the day of her birth she would do great things, and from the moment she lifted a paint brush he supported her art.

             Time skip 8 years

Kali ran into the guild, holding a magazine close, she ran up to her father handing it to him. It was a sorcerer weekly magazine, on the front was Kali, she was sat at an eisle with a paint brush in hand working away. Reedus smiled and stood up, holding up the magazine. "Hey guys!" Everyone turned to Reedus, a blushing Kali at his side. "Kali is on the cover of sorcery weekly!" The guild errupted into cheers, the magazine was passed around and everyone read the article. Kali knew things would change soon, she'd be getting more requests. She was ready though , she planned to do the guild and her father proud.

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