Short Brown: Tobi

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                      Name: Emerald
                        Age: 6

Little emerald ran around the Lamia scale guild Hall, she look like a normal little girl, except for the dog years and tail. She was currently playing tag with some of the other members and she was it, she was currently tasting Lyon who was surprisingly enough having fun. When emerald caught up to Lyon he had noticed the claws on her hands were glowing, that is until she touched him. Then Lyon let out of shout of pain and Emerald jumped a bit, she was confused. Her ears laid back as her tail went Limp, she was expecting to get in trouble. But a gentle hand on her head her attention, it was her father and he was smiling at her. "Seems you finally got your magic!" He ruffled her hair, Lyon was rubbing the spot she touched him. Her magic wasn't strong enough to paralyzed yet but it still stung, a lot.

             Time skip 6 years
                     Age: 12

Emerald stood behind the bar of the Lamia Scale, she was an official guild member but she didn't like fighting. So she became the guild waitress, she kept her claws trimmed of course. Her father was disappointed at first but after seeing how adorable she was in the uniform he didn't mind so much. Today though was different, most the guild was out on jobs leaving her alone there for the most part. Emerald was washing glasses when her ears twitched, she could hear heavy footsteps and her sense of smell told her it was an unfamiliar. The door flew open to reveal an older man, on his neck was a symbol for the blue skull guild. Emerald froze up, he approached the bar with a smirk. "What's a little girl like you doing all alone and a guild hall?" The man reached over the bar, pulling her forward by her top. In a panic Emerald screamed, her clothes extended and began to glow she swatted at him. Her claws cut his face and because of her panic, her magic released in a huge burst paralizing the man. The guild master came running down having heard the scream, she was surprised to see a member of the blue skull paralyzed on the floor. Tobi and his team came back from their job just in time to see soldiers from the magic Council leading the man away, he was surprised to hear the guild master praising Emerald for beating a member of a dark guild, accident or not. Tobi was just glad she was okay, after that he wouldn't leave her alone in the guild.

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