Of Tears and Dreams

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Sometimes I wake up crying, but I can't remember my dreams
That just might be more of a blessing than it seems
For at night we must face our darkest fears
Armed only with the weapon of our own tears
Salty streaks dried on my cheeks
Only telling others how I am meek

Every time I ponder just what my nighttime holds
I wonder if I could ever be so bold
For fears look different in the night than in the day
Certainly nothing that can easily be slayed
Yet, in dreams we find the answers to that which we don't know
A tiny grain of wisdom the subconscious will bestow

But sometimes it is best to not be made aware
Floating through life without a single care
With little knowledge of what causes tears
The answer is so far from clear
Eventually we must all face the demons that we keep
And until then I may never get a peaceful sleep       

Today I woke up crying
And tonight I'll cry myself to sleep

My nights are full
Of tears and dreams

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