The City

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I was born in the city, surrounded by people
And I never knew, never knew anything more
And as I grew, so did my desire
To escape the city, crowding all the people
To see beyond this life I know
And so I stand in the city, surrounded by people
Looking out past the crumbling wall
That confines the city and contains us all
And I long to be finally wholly free
To climb up the mountain
And leap over valleys
And run with the river to the sea
I would swim with the otters
Frolic with the ponies
And fly with the eagles high above
But all of the people down in the city
They will be waiting, waiting for me
To return with news of what's past the city
Over the mountain and down by the sea
But I can never return to the city
No, I can't give what they need of me
For the people in the city live their lives under clouds
And I need to, yes need to, breathe free
Breath of the mountain and salt of the sea
I need the air of adventure to fill me
Anything else only suffocates me
Now all the people inside the city
They want to, yes, want to also breathe free
Maybe they'll find me
Just beyond the mountain and out at sea
So close to my dream yet not reality
For then I realized
Of all of the people stuck in the city
That one down there, she is me
And I'm not free to climb up the mountains
Or leap over valleys
Or run with the river to the sea
And I guess I'll never quite be free
Until someone starts the crack
That crumbles the wall
That keeps all the people in the city
Then we can all be finally free
I think the one doing the cracking
Will have to, yes, have to be me
For I was born in the city, surrounded by people
And that will never be enough for me

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