For My Sister

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You're the only person who has ever called me pretty
And even when I'm an old wizened bitty
I know you'll still feed me the same beautiful lies
Because that's just how I look through your eyes
And when I try to cower and hide
You enable me to stand straight with pride
You dry my tears
And calm my fears
For you would go to any length
To ensure that I find my own strength
Yes, it's true, you hurt me too
It seems no one can do that quite like you
We're sisters, we fight
But we always end in the right
And I would withstand a simple bruise
To ensure our bond is one we never loose
You're my friend, my rival, my strength, my weakness, my frustration, and my joy
If a single word is going to be
The only way to express your worth to me
I'll sum up all the above
To say I think it's just called love

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