Midnight Dancing

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Bare feet on the carpet
Arms spread in the air
And my long brown hair
Still frizzy from the shower
Tangles around my face

And my triple XL t-shirt
Hangs down to my knees
Acting as a makeshift ball gown
I dip and curtsey
As if I wasn't here alone

Twirling through the darkness
When I can't sleep at night
Listening to music quietly
So others in the house
Don't rise up to wake

Anything from sad ballads
To fierce power songs
The music and the dance
Following wherever
My mood takes me

While others yawn and burrow
Deeper within their beds
I get too caught in my own head
For me, it's the dancing hour
Late in the dark of night

I dance to let go
Of all the things
That come with the light
For me, the dance is
Both lonely and liberating

Midnight dancing
All alone in the dark
Face upturned toward heaven
Searching for the answers
Found nowhere on earth

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