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Jordyn Jones as Hannah Blake


"Great job girls." I say as I finish brushing out my long blonde hair. My outfit consists of heavily ripped jeans, a black crop top and black boots.

"Dang girl," Ayden says to me. "You look hot." I take a moment to look at her outfit. Equally severely ripped black jeans with a white v cut tank top and a dark green jacket.

"You too." I grin. I finish putting my helmet in my hockey bag.

"Hey, should we get coffee in celebration of Kaelin's hatrick?" Hannah suggests swinging an arm around my shoulders. I smile a little.

"Sure!" And "Yes!" Are the answers that fill my ears.

"But where are we going go?" Katrina asks with a sad look. "The Kings own our shop now."

"Fuck 'em!" I yell as we make our way out the front doors of the arena. Our parents already know that we will be together for the rest of the night, so they've all gone home.

"I honestly love you guys." Trinity sighs.

"Aw, I love you too." I grin as I pull open the door to the cafe. I try not to even look at the boys, especially Nolan, who sit at our usual table. They are so immature, throwing around napkin holders and making a mess. Diane looks like she's ready to explode.

"What are you doing here?" Ethan asks, staring at Hannah. The whole team goes silent and turns to stare at us. And, may I say, shamelessly checking us out.

"My eyes are up here assholes." I mutter to my team. They laugh with me and the guys look at us like we're nuts.

"Get the fuck out of here." A member on their team says.

"Dryden, let us handle this." Nolan smirks to his teammate, Dryden. "Now, could you please take your little fucking team and leave."

"Bitch we were here first." Alessia snarls.

"Well we're here now." Axel says.

"Go fuck yourself." I say.

"Go die." Dryden says.

"Don't talk to her that way." Hannah says.

"Fucking stop me."

"I fucking will." Katrina hisses.


"Children!" Diane cries with an exasperated sigh. "Please stop with the language! Captains, follow me, everyone else, sit down and shut up." She strolls into the back room without looking back at us. I sigh and follow her, Nolan close behind me.

When we get inside, Diane sits on a stool with her legs crossed neatly in front of her. Without a word, she smiles and leave again. I look at Nolan, who looks equally puzzled. The lock on the door slides into place. Oh no she doesn't.

"Diane!" I screech. "Let me out! Don't leave me in here with him."

"You two need to get along, then your teams will." Diane smiles and walks away.

I look at Nolan with slanted eyes. He is in my way. In the way of me and my team.

"So," he says with a small glint in his eyes. "Care to get us out of here?"

"Why can't you?"

"I asked you first.'

"Fml." I mutter under my breath. I look around a bit while Nolan scrolls through his phone.

Eventually I find a tiny window. I could probably squeeze through. Nolan would never be able to fit through it. Those hot muscles were about to be his undoing.

I look behind me to make sure Nolan isn't looking. When I see his eyes burning into his phone screen, I smile and shimmy the window open.

I slide through the widow and onto the pavement outside. Dusk is just beginning to approach.

I scream as Nolan's hand grabs my ankle which was still hanging in the window frame. I squirm around as he pulls me back through the window frame.

"Nolan let go!" I yell not unkindly.

"Never!" He says playfully back and gives me a sharp tug. I'm halfway through the window now. Nolan places his large hands on my waist and pulls me through the window. I laugh as my feet touch the ground.

His lips look so amazing from this angle. With the flickering lights of the back room mixed with the dusty sunset making them look even more kissable than usual. I can here his breath as it flows unevenly from his nose. He slowly leans in.

"Ahem." A voice clears by the door. Nolan and I immediately step away from each other. Diane stands in the doorway with a small smile on her face.

"Looks like you two are getting along just fine now." I blush beat red at her words and quickly walk out of the door. My mouth drops when I see the Kings and my team sitting at one big table. They laugh and talk like they're best friends. Ayden and Axel especially seem to be hitting it off. Wink wink.

The room goes dead silent when Nolan and I walk out. My girls look to me as Nolan's team does to him, for permission. I give a slight nod, and the girls continue talking like nothing happened.

Nolan and I look at each other. I give a light shrug and sit down inbetween Ayden and Alessia. Across from me are Axel and another guy I don't know.

"What were you two doing?" Alessia giggles in my ear. "You look a little... Pink." I give her a playful glare, I can't be mean to her, she's the youngest on the team at fifteen years old. Then comes the twins and Hazel at sixteen, then Ayden, Hannah and I at seventeen.

"Shut up!" I say playfully back. She grins and swipes a piece of her blonde hair behind her ear. Alessia is beautiful, with her shiny blue eyes, stunning blonde hair and smooth skin. It's no wonder the guys in her grade were head over heels for her. Not that we ever let them get remotely close to her.

The night was fun, we laughed and talked with the Kings. Things took an awful turn when one of the guys made fun of Alessia.

"Must suck," The guy, who's name is Dryden, says. "Being the helpless one on the team." Alessia's eyes turn glossy. My whole team stops dead as a tear slides down her cheek. No one makes Alessia cry.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I demand.

"It's true." He smirks cockily and shrugs his shoulders.

This just makes my blood boil. How can anyone be so rude like that? She's done nothing to hurt him nor been like this to him! This is not right and I won't let Alessia be treated this way. The insults fire into my brain, I pick the first one.

"Bitch she could easily beat you anytime anywhere. Next time you think of making fun of her, ask yourself if you want to keep your fucking teeth intact." With that, I grab Alessia's hand and shove the door open. My team follows behind me.

"What now, Kaelin?" Hannah asks. She nervously runs a hand through her hair.

"Now, we get that fucking revenge we've all been waiting for."



Oh, and I already have up to chapter ten written, the more votes and comments the faster the chapters will be released ;)


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