Thirty - Five

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The tears roll down my cheeks. The noise in the arena is deafening to my ears. I can feel my heart beat pounding in my chest all the way down to my toes.

It can't be.

The buzzer for the end of the game rings in my ears.

He did it.

Hannah pulls me into a crushing hug as our side of the stands erupts in cheers when Ethan maneuvers the puck into the net. I feel like I'm high off of love for hockey and my love for Nolan.

"They did it!" Katrina screams. "They actually did it!"

I glance over to the rink to see the Kings hockey team piled up on top of Nolan and Ethan. All of them are laughing and hugging and it's truly so amazing to see how close a sport can bring people.

More tears trickle down my cheeks as I clutch Hannah even tighter. Alessia joins the hug, then Trinity, and then the rest of my girls.

And then... In that moment, with my teammates hugging me and the roar of the arena still echoing, I remember that it will never be like this again.

"Kaelin? Kaelin come on, we're going to go see the boys." Ayden says while tugging on my arm.

I shake my head and nod. "Okay, let's go." I shove the thought of me leaving to the back of my head. I can't think like that, not now, I can't think of how I'm probably going to have to end things with Nolan when I leave.

I rush out of the stands and down to the ice. The doors of the arena have already been opened and people are slowly making their way towards the players.

I take little steps towards the giant pile of players when number 14 stands up. His helmet and gloves lay discarded on the ice as he skates over to me with a giant smile on his handsome face. His hair is messy and sweaty but he looks like a kid on Christmas, and I would be lying if I said the pure look of joy on his face didn't make me happy.

"I'm so proud of you!" I say, jumping onto him and wrapping my arms and legs around him. He catches me easily and nuzzles his face into my neck.

"I'm sorry it couldn't have been you, Kaelin," He whispers. "I know how much it meant to you."

What? What does he mean he's sorry? He deserves this, all of them do. But the fact that he cares more about how I feel about this than him actually winning speaks volumes about how much he cares about me.

"Nolan," I place my forehead against his. "You deserve this, don't be sorry. I love you. I'm happy for you." I grin as he holds me closer.

"I love you too," He murmurs. His warm breath tickles my neck, but there is nowhere I'd rather be than right here, in this moment. The chill of the rink against my back and the warmth of my boy in front of me.


I walk into my dark house, I almost call out for my mom. Almost.

I sigh. I don't know where she or if she is ever coming back, I don't know if she even cares whether I am alive or not. She probably doesn't, after all, I got my father and my brother arrested.

By anyone's standards, I betrayed my family.

I walk up the stairs to my room and switch on the light. My room looks the same as always, but I find the air within it suffocating. Maybe it's because I was held captive by my brother here, or maybe it's because it belonged to the girl I used to be. The girl that refused to love, but believed her brother was a superhero. The girl that wanted to protect everyone, but couldn't protect herself.

I slam the door of my room shut.

I can't sleep there tonight. Maybe never again.

I pull out my phone and dial Nolan's number. It rings and rings... and rings.

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