Forty - Two (Nolan)

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When my mom came and got me, saying that the door was for me, I didn't think that much of it. I thought maybe Axel was here to harass me about my relationship with Kaelin, or maybe it was Ethan coming to get his charger.

I never thought it would be the girl with rusty eyes that got me into this mess.

She stands at my door, dressed in a white sundress. Her hair falls in loose waves to her back and her eyes are as taunting as ever. I can't believe I gave up my beautiful Kaelin for this girl. I'm not saying Mikayla is ugly by any means, but I am saying she can not compare to my girl.

"Uh hi?" I ask her.

She crosses her arms over her chest and smirks at me. "How are things, kitten?"

I narrow my eyes at her. She knows what her and I hooking up did to me. And even if she didn't know, she would be able to see the bags under my eyes and the stubble on my chin. Anyone can see that things are terrible right now.

"Why are you here?" I all but growl at her.

She steps closer to me. "I recently had a change of heart when I found out Kaelin is leaving, so I'm here to tell you the facts."


"Yes, as in you and I didn't fuck."

My jaw drops. Here is the only person that knows the truth about what happened that night telling me we didn't have sex. Granted, I still kissed her, that part is stuck somewhere deep in my mind, but according to Mikayla we didn't have sex.

"But I remember going upstairs-" I start but she cuts me off with a laugh.

"Yes, we did go upstairs. I tucked your ass into bed and stayed up there with you so people would think we fucked." She seems almost annoyed that she has to explain this to me, like it's a waste of her time to try and fix things between me and the love of my life.

"But... Why would you do that to me? To Kaelin?" I inquire.

Mikayla exams her nails. "Because she said I couldn't join the hockey team, but now I have been invited to join for the following season, so I figure I might as well come clean."

The news is astounding to me. How could she live with this guilt of breaking up two people otherwise happily in love. Maybe it was jealousy over Kaelin being happy, but maybe it was her frustration at being cut for probably no reason other than Kaelin not liking her.

"Thank you for coming clean."

She nods. "I'm sorry I did it, I truly am, but I was angry. I didn't understand why she wouldn't let me play, but now I do understand. I was awful. I treated all of them terribly until I wanted something from them. I wanted revenge and you were there and... I'm sorry."

"It's okay, I forgive you." I manage to say. It's true, I know what she did was wrong, but I know why she did it. She felt left out. Rejected. People do awful things when they don't fit in.

She smiles at me before planting a kiss on my cheek and leaving my house.

I have to call Kaelin.

I'm giddy with the thought of getting my baby girl back. This news could not have come quick enough.


I try calling Kaelin, but it immediately goes straight to her voice mail. I leave a message, but I know need to talk to her now. So I brace myself and press Hannah's contact.

"Hello?" Hannah's hostile voice spits through the phone.

"I need to talk to Kaelin." I say.

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