Thirty - Two

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It's been days since Gage left me in this fucking closet. Days of straight darkness that have only bestowed misery on me. The only time I can see light is when my father brings me food. I would rather starve than see his fucking face.

The door to the closet creaks open and light shines in. I don't even look up.

"Let's go, Kaelin," Gage's voice rings from the doorway.

I glance up at my sorry excuse of a brother. I don't understand how he could have gone through six months of college, where he apparently went through mind conditioning, and look exactly the same. He still looks exactly like me with his blonde hair and ocean blue eyes, I hate that I can see myself in him after all he has done.

"That is, if you're ready to behave."

Even if I wasn't ready, which I'm pretty sure I'm not, I cannot stand another second in this fucking closet.

So I croak out a quiet, "yes."

Gage walks over and takes my good arm before helping me to my feet. He leads me from the closet and back to my fucking room. I swear I move from one cell to the next like it's my damn job.

A loud masculine yell from downstairs startles both Gage and myself. There was something strangely familiar about the voice.

"What was that?" I say quickly before Gage can get a chance to avoid my question. He looks behind us at the stairs.

Then I see him.


He looks terrible. Dark rings encircle his beautiful amber eyes, but the dried up blood on his clothes and face are far more concerning.

He's being held by my father and Ethan, who look like they are struggling despite Nolan's arms being tied behind his back.

Gage narrows his eyes at the struggling men below us. I am struggling to understand why Nolan is even here, at my house! I'm so confused, my head is pounding.

"Dad! Ethan! Get him the fuck out of my sight!" Gage yells so loudly I have to put my hands over my ears.

All three pairs of eyes at the bottom of the stairs turn to look at my brother and I. Nolan looks at me, but I can't bare to look him in the eye.

"Kaelin!" Nolan yells. "Kaelin!"

I glance up at Gage, who has a smirk on his face. I don't know what could be going on in his head at this point.

"Come with me," Gage says to me. He begins walking down the stairs, and I don't really see a point in defying him anymore. It's not like I'm opposed to going downstairs for the first time in a couple days.

I stop at the door of the stairs while Gage walks right up to Nolan. Gage whispers something in Nolan's ear that causes a tumble of swear words to pour from his mouth.

"You're a filthy piece of shit Gage!" Nolan yells before turning his attention to me. "Don't listen to anything this fu-"

Gage's fist flies into Nolan's face before he can finish his sentence. Blood blossoms from Nolan's newly spilt lip.

What is going on? I'm so fucking confused right now. Why is Nolan here? And why is he still trying to talk to me? 

Nothing makes any sense to me. My brain is fried and my broken collarbone still hurts. I'm tired and weak and I don't feel like fighting anymore.

"Get him out of my sight," Gage looks at Nolan with triumph in his eyes. Nolan has done a lot of things to hurt me, but I still care for him.

I step forward and look at my father and Ethan. "No, let him go, I need to talk to him."

Hockey Boys vs Hockey GirlsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora