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I'm encompassed in soft sheets and the smell of cologne. I roll over so I can get a better whiff of the scent which seems to comfort me.

Wait. Cologne? Since when has my bed smelt like that?

I open my eyes and sit up. I'm alone in an elaborate bedroom that must belong to Mason, judging by the hockey stick in the corner of the room and the hockey bag by the window. The sheets on the bed are black along with the blanket. The walls are a deep red - almost the exact color of blood.

I slowly get up walk over to the door. I twist the knob but it is locked from the outside. I groan and hit my head against the door.

I guess if I can't escape the room, I can attack whoever comes in next, which will probably be Mason. However, I need to escape and figure out what the fuck is actually going on from either Gage or Nolan.

I walk over to the window and look out of it. We're in a very wealthy looking neighborhood with the house I'm obviously the largest. I'm on the second floor, so I have no shot and jumping out of the window.

I slowly bring air into my lungs before letting it out. In and out. In and out.

I open the door of the closet and find a walk in closet. Perfect. I grab Mason's hockey stick and pull it into the closet with me before shutting the door. I pull out some shoe boxes before stepping behind some clothes. I then stack the shoe boxes so that they hide my legs.

A few minutes go by and I start to get cold. At some point Mason must have taken my hoodie, so now I'm in just ripped jeans and a simple black tank top. My hair tie has also disappeared, causing my golden hair to spill down my shoulders. It's very annoying.

I hear a noise coming from outside of the closet. My heart starts pounding against my chest which causes my breathing to quicken.

Focus Kaelin. Do it for Gage.

"What the fuck?!" I hear Mason yell. His footsteps stomp around the room. The door of the closest twists open.

I can't breathe.

"Kaelin?!" He growls. I grip the hockey stick tighter. I expect him to look behind the clothes, but he doesn't. I can just see him through a crack in the clothes.

He's furiously running a hand through his hair. He pulls out his phone and calls someone.

"She's gone." Is all he says to the person on the other end. "Lock down the entire mansion until we find her."

He hangs up and leaves the closet without closing the door behind him.

I give myself 10 seconds before I move. They're looking for me now so I have to be careful. As quietly as possible, I get out of my hiding spot.

I look at the hockey stick and decide not to bring it. It's just going to slow me down.

I open the door of the bedroom slowly and stick my head out. The hall is clear so I walk out. I decide to go right.

"Okay Kaelin, you're looking for a staircase." I whisper to myself.

Doors line the walls on either side of me, so if someone finds me, I have a last resort.

"There she is!" A masculine voice yells from the other end of the hallway. I begin sprinting. I can't let them catch me!

When I turn the corner, I catch a glimpse of my pursuer. It's Dryden. This encourages me to run faster.

Around the corner is another long hallways full of rooms. I'm confident that I can outrun Dryden, but for now I might be best off finding a hideout. However, I don't want to hide in a room that could possibly have someone in it.

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