Twenty - Two

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I'm getting pretty tired of not knowing where I'm going to wake up and who I'm going to be with. It's pretty terrifying actually.

I slowly open my eyes. The first thing I see is him. He is sitting on my bean bag chair in the corner while playing on his phone.

"Nolan?" I breathe. This feels surreal, like I'm going to wake up for real at any moment.

When he looks up and my eyes meet his, it's like my world has stopped. Everything about him is familiar to me; his hair, his smile and his laugh.

"Kaelin!" He exclaims. I barely have time to brace myself before he jumps on the bed and hugs me so tight I can barely breathe. I wrap my arms around his neck and breathe in his scent.

"I'm so sorry Kaelin," He says quickly. "I'm sorry I let you get dragged into this stupid fight for power and I'm sorry that I couldn't save you sooner. I'm so proud of how strong you were and how you escaped."

I start crying into his shoulder which causes him to hold me tighter. The warmth of his body is like a blanket.

My bedroom door squeaks open and Ethan walks in.

"Nolan, I have really bad news. I need to talk to you." Ethan looks panicked.

Nolan looks at me apologetically. "I have to go."

"Don't leave me." I whisper. He looks at Ethan, then at me.

"Oh kitten." He sighs. "We won't be far away."

Then he leaves. I angrily wipe my tears away before getting up and pacing my room. I feel like I'm forgetting something, but I can't remember what.

Then it hits me. Annika! Dryden was planning on kidnapping Axel's sister today. I have to protect her.

I rip open my bedroom door and sprint down the stairs. I can hear voices from the living room, but I don't stop to hear them. I slip on my shoes and place my hand on the doorknob.

I twist it but arms are around my waist and pulling me back before I can open the door. I look back to see Nolan looking at me with a disapproving frown.

"Where are you going?" He whispers in my ear.

"Nolan this isn't a joke! Annika-" I say but Nolan quickly interrupts.

"Annika and Axel were both captured by Dryden and Mason while we were fighting to get you back." Nolan says sadly.


"Kaelin Cassidy Summers, my my how you have grown." A man with dirty blonde hair and blue eyes says from the entrance to the living room. He looks to be about mid forties, but even at that he is in very good shape.

"Who are you?" I ask. Nolan is still holding me against his rock hard chest. I don't know if I imagine it, but I feel his arms tighten around my waist.

"I'm Wayne... Your father." He says with a smile.

Anger floods my veins and strangles my heart. This is the man who let me believe he was dead for almost my entire life. This is the monster who couldn't just be happy with his life and stay away from fucking gangs. This is the monster who is responsible for Mason kidnapping me.

"YOU FUCKER!" I scream. I rake my nails along Nolan's arm because he refuses to let go of me.

"Fuck!" Nolan yells as blood blooms from his arm. I break out of his hold and tackle my "dad".

"You. Are. One. Mother. Fucker." I say between punches to his face. He doesn't fight back; he must know he deserves it.

"Kaelin stop it!" Gage, who I had no idea was in the room yells. "Kaelin!" His voice is like a distant echo in my head. All I can see is red.

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